Looking back years later it CAN be funny.... or maybe not. pg 7 <sigh>

SNORT!!! Writer, you have to make a book of these hysterical things that happen in your life! First a fainting rooster, than the attack of the bunny slippers and now this!
I'm dying here!!!
I laughed so hard that I think I broke something. You definitely have a way with words. Thanks for the great story.

I think I was married for several years when I finally realized that my husband wasn't turning on the bathroom light at night just to annoy me; but he really needed to point and shoot, so to speak. I guess I'm not swift on the uptake, especially when I'm short of sleep.
My first husband was one of three sons, no daughters, the only female in the house was his mom. She didn't use the hallway bathroom, but the one in their master bedroom, so the lid was always up etc.
The first night we were married and living in our own home he got up in the middle of the night to take care of business and promptly peed all over the seat of the toilet. He never thought to check and I always kept it down. After he got done cleaning it up he either turned on the light or checked for the lid.
Thank you for the laughs

That reminds me of the time I was given an old winabago from my wifes dad, and it needed work on and as i was mechanicing anyway thought it was a good deal. Now I dont know if you know how the engine cover is in side the cab on these things and you have to lean over them to work on them. As i was working on the timing I caused it to back fire thru the carburator setting my hair and eyebrows aflame. As i was wildly beating myself about the head and shoulders I turned to my Then 6 yearold and calmly asked if i was out yet. Needless to say I did not get an answer due to the fact he was laughing so hard he could not answer me. Then a couple months later we were in a resturant and was relating same story to the waitress friend of ours and noticed a guy at another table laughing so hard he nearly choked, and when we went to leave I found out he had paid for our meal too. as my story had reminded him of the time he knocked over a chafing dish at a fancy lobster dinner. All because of my simple question Am I out yet. Thanks again !!!!

writer - that is one of, if not the, funniest things I've ever read. I read it to my hubby and sons and we are all just busting our guts over the whole thing. Thank you for such a great belly laugh... I really needed that today.
I'm so glad I've lightened so many people's day today. I do wish that you could see my live Cowboy Comedy routine someday. I use only things that are based in truth and that have happened to me or people I know. Truth may be stranger than fiction, but it's also a heck of a lot funnier!

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