Looking back years later it CAN be funny.... or maybe not. pg 7 <sigh>

Oh my Lord, It has taken me a while to be able to type...the tears where running down my face, I was laughing so much......that story definately needs a caricature duing!

Thanks for making me laugh I needed it! xx
Writer we should get together and write a book ! I have been pinned between a vehicel because it was in gear and would not start or
what happens when a plank is longer than a scaffold or
snakes will bite after you say they wont or
parakeets will suprize you or
the DIL should always wear a bra when birds are loose or
her sister should not wear low cut tops whe bary birds are aflyin or
hamsters dont really make good pets or
snow white should not attempt breaking and entering.

I love the stories and Im glad everyone has them to share !

We try to be polite by not turning on a light and waking our dear significant others, and who pays the price,,, <sigh>....

I don't think it's urinary stories really, that would be a totally different thing,,, sorry if you felt that.
Awww, the sleep walking stories I could tell. One of the most famous one's in our family is when I, at eight years old, got up one night with my cat Sugar who always slept with me and proceeded to walk into my parents room. I always carried Sugar with her front and hind legs sticking out in front and naturally her tail was just hanging there swishing back and forth. It was in the summer and back then we didn;t have air conditioning and it was safe to open your windows and just turn the fan on. My parents had just purchased one of the big round fans on a telescoping stand and dad had taken it out of the livingroom and put it in the doorway of their bedroom. I tried to walk into their room, ran into the fan, Sugar's tail went into the fan, she started hollering, dad jumped up out of a dead sleep, stepped on my mom's head and into her stomach, then jumped on the floor, and ran over the fan, sugar and me. They both had to pry poor Sugar out of my arms since I was still asleep and holding on to poor Sugar for dear life and rush her to the vet cause she had lost a good portion of her tail and it was pouring blood. By this time my older brother was up and he had to watch me while they were gone with sugar since I kept trying to walk into the kitchen and bake cookies and look for sugar. Next morning, I walked into the kitchen to find Sugar knocked out in a box beside the fridge, tail shorter and wrapped up, dad all clawed up, mom's face bruised, and I didn't remember a thing. My poor brother was so tired, he slept most of the day. That night, after poor Sugar woke up, she came and jumped on my bed and curled up at the foot in her usual spot. I started crying and told her I was sorry and that was the last time I got up while sleep walking.
Still, to the day they both left this world, they insisted I was more upset over Sugar than either of them that next morning, LOL. My brother will always ask me when I give him my homemade cookies if I made them while asleep or awake, LOL.

I used to worry that my own children would maybe sleep walk, but they didn't. My brothers youngest son did and he was always scared to death that he would do weird stuff. Pretty much all Jason would do is go into the livingroom and turn on the TV and then fall asleep on the couch though. He grew out of it when he was around 12 I think.
Yeah, guilty as charged!

And dont want to bother DD and DH with waking up with a light shining in their bedrooms. Some of us are light sensitive.

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