Looking for ~6 month old Peahen in western KY.

I'm pretty sure it's just the dust because they were completely fine when we got them but as soon as they got in the barn they started sneezing.
Your vet sounds like mine, always concerned with dust and sinus infections and I can't say she is wrong. Dander and pulverized dung being inhaled will lead to respiratory infections. We have one large coop that we had to add extra ventilation to after battling the same infection outbreak about four years ago. Good sanitation and ventilation are two of the prime keys to healthy birds.
Your vet sounds like mine, always concerned with dust and sinus infections and I can't say she is wrong. Dander and pulverized dung being inhaled will lead to respiratory infections. We have one large coop that we had to add extra ventilation to after battling the same infection outbreak about four years ago. Good sanitation and ventilation are two of the prime keys to healthy birds.
By the looks of OP's other threads his Peas have been sick since the day he got them....with sneezing and gurgling. Makes you wonder why one just dropped dead.
By the looks of OP's other threads his Peas have been sick since the day he got them....with sneezing and gurgling. Makes you wonder why one just dropped dead.
I have not seen the other threads but if they got 'sick' that quickly they had it before they were brought home and could have been made worse by the environment it was brought into. The number one reason for young birds to die quickly is cocci although they can find a hundred ways to kill themselves. If the vet ran a fecal they would have noticed cocci and worms so I rule that out. If they had MG it should have been noticed by inspecting the mouth for lesions. If it were BH the bird would have had signs in the poo and the external appearance would have been noticeable with the hunching and rough appearance. Long-distance analysis is very difficult but sometimes the most reasonable explanation is the right one.
I was recently given Rooster Booster powder, would it be ok to give that to Peafowl some time?

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