Looking for a processor in Alabama


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Hello! I've been searching all over the state for SOMEONE nearby that will process ducks, chickens, and rabbits. I have had only 1 person agree to it and he's a very old gentleman who's "retired" from it, but was willing to teach us. Unfortunately, we don't want to learn. I'm still working on handling disbudding my baby goats (just became okay with giving vaccinations alone!) Does anyone know of ANY facility that will process for us? I can travel to Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Birmingham, and maybe even Charleston. I just need help finding somewhere.

Thank for any help you can offer!
I don't know of any either. We do it ourself, so have never looked. Have been known to have a deer processed when short on time. But I don't think they can process a chicken without a license to do so. So you may be hard pressed to find a company to do it considering there really isn't enough of a demand around here to warrant them getting a license. Best of luck to you though! Sorry I couldn't help.

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