Looking for a workout buddy....


10 Years
Jun 6, 2009
S.E Ind
I figure I'd start a thread for those who need the extra motivation of having a workout buddy or someone just to keep them in line and on tract. I know there are some weightloss threads on here but this is one to help everyone who made a New Year's resolution stick to it.
My kids and I all have a bet going on who will have a six pack ( or at least close to it...and no it's not the drink-type of six pack either) by summer. Anyone have any goals they want to reach by a certain time? If so and are up to the task of keeping me on tract...lmk.

Good luck......
My goal is to lose between 40 and 50 lbs and get into much better shape by this summer. I lost weight was within 10 - 15 lbs of my goal (and in good physical shape) back in 2004-2005. Then in fall 2005 I went back to school to get my Bachelors degree, then Master's. I am just about done with my Master's now...just 5 years! I high-tailed it through (summers and all!) to get done (with much help from a patient and supportive DH), but that left little time to exercise. The stress and lack of exercise caused a wonderful 40 lbs weight gain....10 of which has been in the last 6 months! Now that classes are done, I am focused!!! It just happened to fall in line with a New Years. I am a geologist and a backpacker, so I need to get into shape!!

And I am ready!!!
I am eating healthier. I refuse to call it a "diet" because "diets" fail. And the first three letters of diet are DIE. So nope, not going on a diet

I have already lost four pounds since the first weekend of the month
If you lose 50 lbs you are gonna blow away in this wind!!!!!!!

I started the month at 170 lbs! At 5'5" and narrow framed (hidden under all this fat), 120-130 lbs is healthy. I was a 105 lbs in high school (no, I wasn't anorexic, I was in track, etc). I have lost 3 lbs so far though!
Same here! DH and I just eat healthier and exercise! Why diet...people don't stay on those "plans" and usually gain the weight back. We are opting for more veggies, etc and less crummy (but, so yummy) food!
If you lose 50 lbs you are gonna blow away in this wind!!!!!!!

I started the month at 170 lbs! At 5'5" and narrow framed (hidden under all this fat), 120-130 lbs is healthy. I was a 105 lbs in high school (no, I wasn't anorexic, I was in track, etc). I have lost 3 lbs so far though!

Have you seen me before?
I say shoot for 140 and you may find yourself comfortable in that body.
Well I am on my goal...I am gaining weight. My diet consists of a 50% protein 25% Carb 25% fat 3000 - 3500 calories per day and lifting heavy weights 5 times per week. I was at 82 lbs but have just past 90 lbs...my goal is to be at bodybuilding competition weight of 140 lbs. 130- 135 lbs dry weight. Before I hit 49 years old so 2 1/2 years from now.
Oh I am 5' 2.5" tall.
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I started the month at 170 lbs! At 5'5" and narrow framed (hidden under all this fat), 120-130 lbs is healthy. I was a 105 lbs in high school (no, I wasn't anorexic, I was in track, etc). I have lost 3 lbs so far though!

Have you seen me before?
I say shoot for 140 and you may find yourself comfortable in that body.

I was there about two years ago...and no I wasn't.
I am very small boned and narrow-waisted. Actually, at 140 lbs, I had a doctor pat me on my thigh (when I was sitting on the bed in the check-up room) and tell me I needed to get into shape.
If I were to work out and be in 100% tip-top shape (6-pack abs and all!), I'd be about 105-110 lbs! But, I'm not gonna be walking around the beach in a bikini, so a healthy weight of 120-130 is fine with me.

Really, the number doesn't matter as long as I am in shape...I just happen to know the number for my body when I am in shape.

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