Looking for adult female ducks in East Texas


In the Brooder
Feb 2, 2020
East Texas, USA
Hi, I’m looking for 3 adult female ducks for my one male Pekin duck and his two mates.
I have a question too, I’m wondering on what breeds go great with Pekin males and where they aren’t too small? Thanks :)
If you have enough to keep him busy, it might be okay to get him some Rouens. My experience with a male Pekin is not very much. He was the first from our original brood to be re homed. Also, my flock is the right size for my coop and pen right now. Try doing a search on craigslist for ducks if you do not want to brood ducklings
If you have enough to keep him busy, it might be okay to get him some Rouens. My experience with a male Pekin is not very much. He was the first from our original brood to be re homed. Also, my flock is the right size for my coop and pen right now. Try doing a search on craigslist for ducks if you do not want to brood ducklings
Yes I looked on Craiglist for them but they either one live too far away, too or sold his babies, three were way too expensive, or for weren't the right breed. Rouens might be nice!

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