Looking for an easy recipe that uses lots of eggs, the whole egg.


7 Years
Sep 17, 2012
Ozark, MO
I have ducks and chickens with guinea eggs in the incubator. I am slowly getting more eggs than we can eat and the kids refuse to eat eggs from our chickens. They want the boughten eggs. My husband and I are eating the chicken eggs and the duck eggs? Hmm, I just did a swap with a lady and sent her most of my duck eggs. We find the duck eggs tough when we make boiled eggs and we don't really like them fried. What's left? Cooking with them.

The kids don't notice the difference in taste when the eggs are used in cakes and stuff. Next year I will have more hens and more eggs. I may sell some, donate some and hatch some to sell the chicks, ducks and keets. At any rate, I am afraid of how many eggs we will have and I need a recipe for eggs, lots of eggs and the whole eggs. I don't want whites or yolks left over and sitting around. Oh, BTW, we don't like the duck eggs fixed as deviled eggs either.

I also don't want that cake recipe that uses like 12 egg whites, I think it's a sponge cake. I love, well, we all love sponge cakes but my husband and I are diabetics.

Please, does anyone have a recipe that uses 3, 4, 5, or 6 eggs at a time? Thanks, Sylvia
I don't have actual recipes but you can try do a Web search for Quiches, Frittatas, egg casseroles, popovers and souffles. Those all use a lot of eggs. I also feed them to my chickens cooked or my dogs cooked or raw.
I have a recipe I made up, and you can use duck eggs or chicken eggs, I think they taste the same. I got it off a recipe here on byc, and I twisted it.

Eggs -However many people the amt. of eggs (ie. 3 people 3 eggs)
Bacon -Double the amt. of bacon to the number of people (ie. 3 people 6 pieces of bacon)
Milk - I put 1/2 cup of milk for every 5 people
Hash Browns- 1 cup

If using pan, set on high and scramble eggs and add all ingredients in pan and cook till done.

If using oven, set on 375 and bake till golden brown.

Hope that helps!
I have a recipe I made up, and you can use duck eggs or chicken eggs, I think they taste the same. I got it off a recipe here on byc, and I twisted it.

Eggs -However many people the amt. of eggs (ie. 3 people 3 eggs)
Bacon -Double the amt. of bacon to the number of people (ie. 3 people 6 pieces of bacon)
Milk - I put 1/2 cup of milk for every 5 people
Hash Browns- 1 cup

If using pan, set on high and scramble eggs and add all ingredients in pan and cook till done.

If using oven, set on 375 and bake till golden brown.

Hope that helps!

I will give it a try when I can get some bacon. Are the hash browns cooked or just out of the package?
Thank you. Sylvia
1 dozen eggs
1 package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained
1/2 chopped onion
4 or so ounces of feta, either crumbled or chopped into 1/4 inch cubes (roughly--they may be a bit smaller)
Pepper to taste

Sautee the onion until translucent. Add the spinach and cook off some of the liquid left from draining. While that's cooking, grease a 9X13 (or similar, but not much smaller) pan. Sprinkle half the feta evenly into the pan. Spread the onions and spinach on top of the feta. Sprinkle the rest of the feta. Sprinkle (or grind, if you have a grinder) pepper on top.

Beat the eggs with a little water (I don't measure the water... Maybe 1/2 cup?). Pour over the cheese and veggies. Bake at 350 for an hour or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.
Thank you both!

AmyPaperlady: Does your recipe have a name?

cutechick53: Where are you located in AZ? I was born and raised in Tucson.
Bread pudding is a way to get your kids to eat eggs. Two cups of stale bread ripped into chunks put a a shallow casserole, Mix 4-5 eggs (depending on size), 3/4 sugar (adjust to your liking or use different sweetner), 1 cup cream, milk, half and half or almond milk. Fruit of your choice, chopped apples (if using apples I'll mix in some cinnamon), raisins, currents, dried cranberries, cherries, pineapple (if using pineapple I'll add some coconut). Nuts are a great addition about a half cup chopped. Slivered almonds go great with cherries, walnuts go great with the apples...whatever you like...pour mixture over bread and bake in a 350 oven about an hour or until browned and puffy.
The beauty of this recipe besides being quick and easy to assemble is that it has unlimited variations, corn bread can be used as well as Italian or French bread, challah...ect. Stale bread is better but I've used fresh when in a pinch with good results.
the amount of bread, eggs and cream obviously vary depending on the size of your casserole dish. this is a basic amount for a casserole dish that would serve 4. Feel free to play around with all the amounts as it's pretty hard to screw this recipe up.
Besides being a great dessert, it's a decent breakfast that is easily warmed up in the mornings.
Hope this helps.
Buttering the dish makes serving neater but I don't always do it. Serving warm is classic but my kids will eat it right out of the fridge for a snack.
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Different quiches are a great way to get rid of eggs. Just google a recipe for eg. Quiche Lorraine and start with that. Then you can start mixing things up. Almost any veggies or meat products combined with some creme fraiche, cheese and a bunch of eggs make a great quiche-like pie. Some of my favorites are bacon-broccoli-onion, shrimp-(garlic)-dill and tomato-basil-feta. These are great if you need to cater for a larger group of guests, since you can serve them cold as well. And if you've got an overabundance of eggs, that's a great excuse to invite people over

Here's the crust recipe I like to use, let the butter soften a bit and knead everything together:

4dl wheat flour
100g butter
1-2tsp salt
1tbsp sugar
1dl water

Line a buttered quiche tray with the dough, and pre-cook it for about 10-15min at 175deg C (I don't always use this, but if you skip it you'll get a soggier bottom. To make the dough keep it's shape, you can use some baking-beans, or something similar. Google it if you're unfamiliar with this.)

Base for filling:
2dl creme fraiche
4 eggs
100-200g cheese (I prefer emmental usually)
black pepper
(1-2dl flavored cream cheese, garlic and spring onion are good ones, but feel free to experiment, you can just leave this out as well)

Different fillings:

180g bacon
2 large red onions
1 broccoli (about 300g)

Steam the broccoli, cook the chopped up onions in a pan slowly, fry the chopped up bacon and combine with the base for filling. Pour into the crust, and cook at 175deg C for about an hour.


180g shrimp (I usually used thawed frozen shrimp, but fresh ones are of course better)
1dl dill chopped
200g garlic flavored cream cheese
1tsp dijon mustard
the juice from a lime

Mix everything, pour into crust, cook at 175deg C for about an hour


4 tomatoes, chopped
2 dl fresh basil, chopped
200g feta cheese, cubed/torn/chopped

Mix everything with the base, pour into crust, and surprisingly, cook at about 175deg C for about an hour

These are probably not what the french would consider traditional quiches, just some of the things I've played with.
I have ducks and chickens with guinea eggs in the incubator. I am slowly getting more eggs than we can eat and the kids refuse to eat eggs from our chickens. They want the boughten eggs. My husband and I are eating the chicken eggs and the duck eggs? Hmm, I just did a swap with a lady and sent her most of my duck eggs. We find the duck eggs tough when we make boiled eggs and we don't really like them fried. What's left? Cooking with them.

The kids don't notice the difference in taste when the eggs are used in cakes and stuff. Next year I will have more hens and more eggs. I may sell some, donate some and hatch some to sell the chicks, ducks and keets. At any rate, I am afraid of how many eggs we will have and I need a recipe for eggs, lots of eggs and the whole eggs. I don't want whites or yolks left over and sitting around. Oh, BTW, we don't like the duck eggs fixed as deviled eggs either.

I also don't want that cake recipe that uses like 12 egg whites, I think it's a sponge cake. I love, well, we all love sponge cakes but my husband and I are diabetics.

Please, does anyone have a recipe that uses 3, 4, 5, or 6 eggs at a time? Thanks, Sylvia

There'd be some mighty hungry people in my house if that were there attitude - I must just be a mean mom.

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