Looking for Call Duck Eggs to ship to TN


Sep 3, 2021
Middle TN
Hello all - I am a new member but have been looking at the forums for a few months.

My wife and I have ducks and are very interested in hatching some Call Duck Eggs in our small incubator. Does anyone know of a good site/hatchery/person to look at/talk to? Looking for about a dozen eggs and open to different colors.

Thank you all in advance!
Metzer Farms is opening a duckling hatchery in Memphis. They are supposed to have ducklings starting in February. They will be shipping overnight with FedEx or you can make the drive here to Memphis 😃.
You'll probably need to wait until Spring since Calls are usually seasonal layers. Some Calls are laying now, but it's not as common at this time of year. I wish you the very best! Calls are so enjoyable but be prepared, they're addictive little buggers 💗
Hello all - I am a new member but have been looking at the forums for a few months.

My wife and I have ducks and are very interested in hatching some Call Duck Eggs in our small incubator. Does anyone know of a good site/hatchery/person to look at/talk to? Looking for about a dozen eggs and open to different colors.

Thank you all in advance!
Sept. 9th-time has passed. Did you find Call duck eggs? I'm also in TN-(Henderson County) and my Calls should be laying soon. Actually, one is laying now. I'm not on the this group most days so feel free to email if you wish.

[email protected]

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