Looking for cities in Indiana that allow chickens in the city limits

Here is your zoning quide:


An excerpt:

LIVESTOCK: All domestic animals, except dogs, cats and small exotic birds, whether kept as pets or for
commercial or agricultural purposes. This definition shall include all species of cattle, horses, mules, swine, sheep,
goats, chickens, ducks, and all animals of the bovine, equine, ovine, caprine, porcine, and avian species. The
keeping of livestock is prohibited in all zone districts within the City.

That's good stuff. Imagine that, city officials giving you their best legal interpretation without dressing it up in personal opinions and ignorant comments.
Hello! I'm not sure exactly when this question was first posted, but I was just researching having chickens in Frankfort, Indiana and I can't find that they are prohibited. What I did find was this ordinance, "It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to keep any cow, calf, heifer, bull, steer, hog, boar, sow, barrow, pig, horse, pony, mule, jackass, goat, sheep, lamb, or any other animal of these species at any time within the corporate limits of the city. Except for mobile transportation along city streets and also confinement or for show in the county fairgrounds. ('75 Code, § 41.04) (Ord. 85-5, passed 5-28-85) Penalty, see § 90.99". Since there is no mention of chickens- and I can't find them listed or allueded to in any other ordinance- does this mean they are legal?
Hello, I live in Frankfort indiana also and am willing to join in on freeing our town to provide our own food! :)
First question is HOW LOL!
Yes, Evansville does allow chickens in the city limits. You have to make sure your coop and run are at least 40 feet away from your neighbors dwelling, you have to apply for a permit that is $5 and you can have up to 6 chickens. You have to have your coop inspected and it measured to your neighbors dwelling. It doesn't take long for the process of this. Out of the city limits you can have as many chickens as you want to have with no permit and all.

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