Looking for domestic Canada geese for sale

Awesome you saved his life and he has decided to stay around. Enjoy your friendship with him. They make life so rewarding :love
Thank you! He is such an absolute pleasure to be around. :hugs I am not too worried about being reported for my resident friend, all of my neighbors around love visiting him and find the story heart warming but I would be devestated if a game warden came to take my dear friend away from the very place he was born and raised. Over the course of months I have tried looking for permits to obtain canada geese to avoid this situation but I cannot seem to find the appropriate permit application. I am too nervous to call my local F&W department and explain my situation. I will have to keep trying:idunno
Ahhh. Well I have the proper permits, I guess it depends on state? Well good luck finding one!
It's a federal offence to take migratory birds from the wild and domesticate them. Even if you find a abandoned gosling, the law requires you to contact a wildlife rehabilitator and hand it over. This includes every state in the USA. I hope this helps clarify. There are some gray areas some people have found, because some local wardens are more lenient if you do not keep a goose from leaving, but this does not apply to goslings. Releasing a domestically raised gosling that has not been properly rehabilitated will usually result in death for that goose. Some people have had injured adult Canada geese join their goose flock because they have a broken wing. They often stick around , and the local warden does not mind, as long as this animal is not locked in a aviary. Other wardens are much stricter in their interpretation of the law, and will seize and put down illegal domestically raised Canada geese. You can buy a Canada gosling from a licensed breeder with a permit. And if you wish to breed them, it requires another separate permit. I hope this helps.
Unfortunately, regardless of whether they are rescues or not, it's illegal to take a gosling hatched from a wild goose, I don't want to be fined, or have to worry about it being seized which is what would happen if authorities found out I had one unregistered. :( I'm looking for a breeder who can provide the proper paperwork, but thank you for the recommendation!!! Be careful out there!
I posted a thread titles something like "I found legal Canada goose breeders" a while back. It has links to the breeders where I got my legal Canada geese from. I have 2 Canada geese , 1 cackling and 1 hybrid Canada x swan gander & all the required permits. I hope this helps.

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