Looking for Dominiques


8 Years
Sep 2, 2015
Howdy friends. I am looking to get some purebred / exhibition quality Dominiques. I am not currently interested in showing them, but I would like to get the “best” Dominiques that I can. I’m very intrigued by the breed and it’s history, and would like to do my part in preserving them, in their truest form.

Thank you! :D
Howdy friends. I am looking to get some purebred / exhibition quality Dominiques. I am not currently interested in showing them, but I would like to get the “best” Dominiques that I can. I’m very intrigued by the breed and it’s history, and would like to do my part in preserving them, in their truest form.

Thank you! :D
Here is a good place to get hatching eggs. http://nantahala-farm.com/chickens-for-sale-s.shtml
Howdy friends. I am looking to get some purebred / exhibition quality Dominiques. I am not currently interested in showing them, but I would like to get the “best” Dominiques that I can. I’m very intrigued by the breed and it’s history, and would like to do my part in preserving them, in their truest form.

Thank you! :D
The Livestock Conservatory is a good place to look for rare heritage breeds.I only found an ad for Delawares sorry! https://heritagebreedmarketplace.com/classified/wpbdp_category/chickens/

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