Looking for home for young handicapped chicken in Ontario, Canada


Nov 3, 2015

A friend of mine has a black chicken with spraddle leg I think it's called...one leg goes out behind it. It is a young bird, not yet sure if it is a hen or a rooster. I would say it is about half grown. Attempts to correct the splay/spraddle were unsuccessful. As they have a working farm they just do not have time to provide the extra care for a handicapped bird, but they are very kind people and they would like to see him go to a good home. Is there anyone out there that needs a companion for a disabled bird or wants to spoil a single one? It can move itself around a bit, but will obviously not survive in a coop situation. Located in Burlington, Ontario but I am willing to deliver it several hours in any direction for a good home. It's a nice friendly bird.


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