Looking for Snowflake quail.

Robby Is awesome to talk to as well, It seems I can never get off the phone with him haha. But yes, great service and birds with JMF

As far as snowflakes, I am super confused as to what you guys are doing wrong with them. I have had snowflakes on and off for the last year. As chicks through adults, Never ever had an aggression problem even in the spring. I have had more aggression with my northerns (Minimal) but never my snowflakes. I have noticed some sort of racism in Pheasants though.
They are bobwhites so raise them the same as you would norther bobwhites or any other bobs. The only exception is that the colored mutations of bobwhite tend to be even more aggressive than northerns so be careful. Bobwhites become cannibalistic very easily and if you've never raised game birds are not by any means an easy bird to start with. That doesnt mean they are impossible but you will need to do plenty of research and stay ahead of their aggression and cannibalism.

Here is a paper on raising bobs.

This is a very important piece of info. Even as tiny babies they will eat each other if conditions are not good. If they are too warm, they will kill each other. If they are too cold, they will get weak and can die.

Don't be discouraged but take all this info to heart and BE READY for raising bobwhites ahead of time. Compared to raising quail, chickens are like those Japanese robot dogs.

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