Looking for Tamworth and Old Spot Piglets in Virginia

Heritage - Acres

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
I'm looking for Tamworth and Old Spot piglets here in VA. Want purebred but not registered.

If anyone knows of anyone in Virginia that sell these, please let me know.

There is a lady in Florida that sells unregistered old spots. I have a 6 month old registered Princess gilt. If you come across young registered Patrick boar please let me know, I'm looking for one.
I found someone that sells them in PA, I was hoping to find someone a lot closer.

Thanks for the info, if I across registered Patrick boar seller in my search, I'll pass on info to you.

Still searching for VA seller...

I'll check them out tonight after dinner..
I copied this straight from Craigslist. I got pigs from Roy and can highly recommend him.

I have two litters of 3 week old piglets for sale. They are a cross of Tamworth, Hampshire and Gloucestershire Old Spot. These are really beautiful pigs. A few are already spoken for, but 16 are up for grabs. I select the very best gilts and boars to be used for breeding stock and sell them for $75 each. The rest are $50 each. Call Roy at 804-400-9842 if interested.

He's near Kings Dominion.

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