looks like I am going to be a grandma


10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
kountze texas
my 19 year old called this morning and told me she took a pregnancy test this morning and it was positive. I will be taking her to the doctor this week. I knew it was coming. she has been dropping hints while DH was in the hospital. DH is not to happy since she just finished her medical assistant training and started her new job. she is happy about it. I am trying to get happy about it. but I have so much on my plate right now with my other daughter and Husband. I am so tired right now.Maybe when the news sinks in I will change how I feel.

I guess that is what she is getting me for my birthday. since my birthday is tuesday.oh joy
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even if you aren't happy about it, try not to let her know it. The hurt that would cost her would last a long time, trust me. In january I told my mother I'm pregnant and she told me she needed to go and "digest THAT bit of information" and hung up. I'm 35 and it's not her business anyway, and it still hurts now even though she's decided to be happy about it now. If I was a 19 year old, it'd hurt worse I think. So be careful

after all, what's done is done and you can't change it.
Is your daughter married? My son and DIL just had a little baby girl, Lucy. They're relatively young....my son is only 22, but they've been married 3 years already.....You always worry when they're young....

Don't worry, JUST EMBRACE IT! Things will be OK!

no she is not married. she has lived with her boyfriend since she turned 18. they have been together for two years. I have already told her that I am going to throw her a baby shower. There is a small part of me that is excited but the major part of me wishes that she would wait. at least she has insurance where she works.
she works for a doctors office and they have a medical assistant working there that is pregnant now. so hopefully they will keep my daughter working
Congratulations!!!! I got pregnant at 19, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I really REALLY needed support though, go out and buy her some tiny socks (socks are so cute!!!), and be excited for her, so she'll let you see the baby later... My grandmother said something snippy to me when she found out I was pregnant, and I didn't speak to her for 2 years. the hurt can last a long time... be happy, this is great news, a baby is a miracle!!!!!! and yes, 24 or 25 might be better, easier, but this is fantastic news!
I had her when I was 19.DH is comming around. he talked to her on the phone and told her he is not mad just worried since she just started her new job. she already told her work that she might be pregnant since they work around x ray equiptment. and her work seems fine with it. we will know for sure on wed. DH told his mom. She had already figured it out . She said she could tell by the way DD acted while DH was in the hospital. I am going to buy her the What to expect when you are expecting book if she is. I read that book when I was pregnant with her and it helped me alot. I plan on being a full part of their lives.
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Be joyful that you are becoming a granma.
I'm a little worried about her and x-ray equipment, won't those rays harm her babe?

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