looks like I am going to be a grandma

I was having my 2nd at 19 (first one at 17) so timing was WAY off for me. Everything has worked out

Yall are in my thoughts! Good luck to you and your daughter

My family wasnt so keen on my first one but the time my second one came they were all excited. It is not the end of the world after all!
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we decided we can't change it . so embrace it. I bought the invetations for her shower today and I also picked up her thankyou cards so she won't have to worry about that. I am going to try to make a diaper cake. I bought some stuff for that. I also bought other baby items. mwhy is it so hard to buy babystuff that can go for boy or girl????
over here normal pregnancies get a 12 week dating scan, and a 20 week anomaly scan, others are added if needed.

I've had 3 so far, and will get at least another one in a couple of weeks.
In your situation I'd probably wait a couple of weeks to be SURE she's past 12 weeks, and then get her one to know how far along she is.
DD got in argument with doctor yesterday. when she went in for her apointment we asked for a work release so she could go back to full duty (her boss wanted one since she was spotting the day before) her doctor didn't give her one. so yesterday sha called her doctor and they wanted to charge her $25 for him to sign the paper her boss filled out. he was beeing a real smart but about everything DD said to him. so now she is switching doctors
Congratulations on being a grandma (soon)!! My daughters preganancy was a huge shock to me with such complications that I won't go into.
But once I got over the shock it was plans plan plans. Then the worry worry worryha!ha!

But the best part is just the grandparenting. The nitty gritty isnt my problem. I just get to love and spoil (spoil in moderation).

He is 2 now and my heart leaps with joy - every time he yells out "nanny - poppy!!"

Trust it all goes well with you all.

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