Looks like my hen has a tick on her COMB


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 12, 2011
Just noticed it, wasn't there yesterday but it's big and it's dug in there. What's the protocol for such situations? Can she get sick? Do we need to catch her and pull it? Or will nature take its course and it'll drop off? Thanks for any advice.
If you are sure it is a tick, I would certainly remove it. No need to chase her around, wait until she is roosting. I thought chickens ate ticks?? Good luck!
Pretty sure, yeah. It's black, fat, and burrowed in. I've pulled enough off my own bod, I have an eagle eye for those little monsters. Miss Camilla will NOT like me after this little surgical procedure!
Thanks for the response.
If you have a wooden porch, you can step on a bloated tick and see it go splat. We do that with all the fat ones on the dogs we pull off.
We do (have a wooden porch) and I shall (step on the vicious little bugger). I hate them.
That's about the only thing they are good for. Gunieas will eat them. I am looking for some in the east Ky area but alas, that is hard.
Assuming there's blood (it's on her comb, after all) should I be concerned about her coop-mate pecking at it? Just wait-and-see for now?
Darn and here I was hoping the chickens would eat the ticks off each other! I would just a tick twist and pop that sucker off!
Ewwww, why did I click on this? I have a stomach of steel...until it comes to parasites. Especially ticks.
Smash that sucker good!
If you are worried about leaving a bloody spot for the others to peck try putting vaseline over it to choke it out, or do the match head trick, then squash it on the porch!

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