Loose Air Cells!


7 Years
Jan 28, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I got 13 quail eggs in the mail and set them on Wednesday after 15 hrs of settling and then 20 hours of no turning in the incubator.My chicken candler didn't work on the eggs so last night a made a little contraption that let me see into them, I checked some and a few had funky shaped air cells and one had an air cell just floating around, I immediately stopped the turner and am planning to leave them for 2-3 days, is that a good idea? Is there any hope? This is my first time with shipped eggs. :(
From what I read on the internet, you must place the eggs upright rounded end up in your incubator cells or in an egg carton if it's a manual incubator and NOT TOUCH THEM OR TURN THEM AT ALL FOR A WEEK! You may be curious about what's going on in there, but you must leave them alone and not touch them as that could contaminate the eggs with bacteria or dislodge the healing air cell. Most shipped eggs will have displaced air cells, I no longer bother to check. Just expect it. If they heal, some of them will heal in a saddle shape and that's ok. You can candle your eggs on day 7 (after you washed your hands well) and then you can start turning the eggs until lockdown. It's a very successful and common practice with shipped eggs. Many aviary specialists hatch rare breeds this way with shipped eggs they purchase from other countries or even continents! If it works for them, it should work for anybody.

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