LOS ANGELES county CA under bird quarantine :(

It's Freaking official..... FREEDOM TESTING is over and our quarantine timeline has started ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL OVER! I am so pist off. :hit:he:barnie:rant:smackBelow is from today.


The newest outbreak have occurred in the eastern areas of San Bernardino and Romona (I think). I'm not aware of a more recent incident in Los Angeles County. Any recent activity will likely keep the existing quarantines in place. And I'm guessing that will include Los Angeles County until they reassess. Every 6 months, I believe.

The bottom line is Fallbrook is safe at the moment. Proximity is a matter of concern but not restriction. And we hope the state's and FDA's efforts will keep it safe.

Keep your birds contained in a coop and a covered run. Practice good biosecurity. Know the folks you buy your supplies from and who comes on your property and approaches your flock. You'll be OK.

Yes, I live in Ramona and went to their information meeting. Does anyone have any information on when we can buy chicks again (tentative date) this spring maybe? please please please?

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