Losing my patience with neighbor's dog....

Thanks. None of the dogs coming around have attempted to dig into the chicken run - yet.

I think there are maybe a few reasons for not digging. First of all, I turned my chicken run into a chicken run compost system, and the compost litter is about 12 inches high. So, when the dog looks at the fence, it sees a solid type wall (compost) of about 12 inches deep and maybe decides not to try to dig underneath it.

Second, I only let my chickens out during the daytime, so at night, the chickens are locked up in the Fort Knox coop, out of sight, and out of attention to any dog that may pass in the night. Without something in sight to attack, I don't think they just want to dig a random hole under the fencing at night.

I have heard lots of good things about predator aprons around the fencing, but, so far, I have not felt the need to lay out more money to lay down more wire for an attack that probably will not happen. Of course, if I am proved wrong, then I will be laying down a predator apron after the fact. I have had my chickens 3+ years and no signs of any digging around my fence line. I only intend to pay for as much protection as I reasonably see the need. I have to assume the risk of my setup being lower cost predator resistant and not totally predator proof at a much higher cost.
I have found shooting nails around the perimeter ..through the wood, pointing outward, a good detergent..I space them every six inches...

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