Loss of precious one!

4 ever Orpington

Mr.& Mrs Orpington
Nov 5, 2017
This day ended with the loss of or precious silkie girl. Ms. Partridge was a lovely girl our hearts are broken.:hit
Thank you. I’m blessed to have a wonderful flock. But it will be hard to not see her there.
I've only had chickens since June 2015. I never thought that I would, or could, get that attached to one, but I have... over and over and over. Each one is special. Each one is missed for different reasons. They are all loved.
I've only had chickens since June 2015. I never thought that I would, or could, get that attached to one, but I have... over and over and over. Each one is special. Each one is missed for different reasons. They are all loved.
Been at this for a year and a half this is our first loss. Should feel fortunate. But feeling empty and sad.
Oh no!
I am so very sorry to hear this about Ms. Partridge!

She must have been so dear to you. Go ahead and cry friend. Honestly, it is the only thing that’ll make you feel better.

Tomorrow morning though, do me a favor and get outside and wish the rest of your flock a wonderful day.

A few months back I lost a favorite one and for a day or two I could hardly speak to the rest of my girls. I just tended to them quietly.
I regret that so much now, because the one who passed away was the ringleader of silliness, the head hen of hilarity in my flock and the rest of them were lost without her for a few days.

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