Lost 2 hens to similar symptoms. Looking for advice

Did she have any of the following symptoms?

Symptoms of Egg Yolk Peritonitis in Birds Symptoms of non-septic and septic egg peritonitis may include: Abdominal and vent swelling, Weight loss, Wide based stance, Depression, Weakness, Lethargy, Ascites (accumulation of fluids in the abdominal cavity), Respiratory distress, Anorexia, Yolk colored droppings, Fluffed feathers, Lack of vocalization, Pain, Change in regular behavior, Secondary - Abdominal hernia due to extreme abnormal distention, Sudden death

Read more at: https://wagwalking.com/bird/condition/egg-yolk-peritonitis
I haven't seen a vet yet as they aren't really available in my area, but if symptoms show in more birds I'll try to get that done. I'm also fairly certain it's not Egg Yolk Peritonitis as the hens were both quite old and not really laying much anymore. They also died within a few months of each other, however I'm not going to rule it out as a possibility as the symptoms seem very similar.
4-year old Black Australorp hens was loosing weight...comb began to shrink but not loose color. I also noticed that poop was building up around it's butt, and it had a very strange smell....continued to get weak and have trouble walking. It died soon after.

I lost another 4-year old hen to similar symptoms, only this one seemed to be gaining weight rather than loosing it. It also didn't seem to get weak, it just died today. Other than strange-smelling poop and a shrinking comb this one seemed to be healthy.

I'm also fairly certain it's not Egg Yolk Peritonitis as the hens were both quite old and not really laying much anymore.
I'm sorry for your loss:hugs
Without having a necropsy, it would be hard to know the cause of death.
If you lose another one, refrigerate the body and send it to your state lab http://www.metzerfarms.com/PoultryLabs.cfm
If that is not possible, then performing your own informal investigation may give you some insight. Look in the abdomen, at the intestines, the internal organs and reproductive system. You can post photos here on BYC on the necropsy thread
https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...ntains-graphic-necropsy-photos.823961/page-40 or make your own thread and we will try to help you with what you see.

Personally, I would not rule out a reproductive disorder. EYP, cancer, tumors, Salpingitis, internal laying and Ascites are quite common in laying hens. Weight gain can be from fluid build up in the body, but you may also notice loss of breast muscle. Other symptoms include loose stools, lethargy, difficulty breathing, standing or walking. Not laying an egg in a good while can also be considered a "symptom".

I'm sorry no one answered your posts. Sometimes "bumping" a thread works, while at other times it can make a thread appear to already have quite a few answers and other threads with no comments are answered first.

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