Lost a Marans to a predator


9 Years
Oct 18, 2010
Something dug under the pen, went into the coop, dragged a 7 week old Marans out into the pen and ate it there. Found the spot where the varmint got in the pen, repaired the fence, and set a live animal trap to catch whatever it was. Problem is now the rest of the chickens which free range during the day (under the watchful eye of my Doberman) won't follow me back in the coop even to eat or drink and tried to roost in local trees at dusk. I eventually gathered all of them out of the trees and put in the pen but they still won't go into the coop WHERE THE HEATER IS! Any suggestions?
Putting them on their roost was my thought as well ...hoping when they woke up safe they'd forget what happened. I hope they don't need Psycho-Therapy. Does Dr. Phil make coop calls?

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