I never thought I would be so upset about losing a chicken. But Big Red and Little Red were RIRs and the best egg layers. Big Red gave extra large eggs and she didn't mind me picking her up. I'm upset about both girls but more upset about Big Red. Both girls caught a cold and I was giving her the VetRX and keeping them warm in a special coop I made for them. But Big Red died last night and Little Red was in bad shape so I had my husband take care of her. Was there anything else anyone knows that I could have done different? The girls had water and vitamin water, food. The rest of my girls are ok. I really don't know how old these girls were I got them a year ago. On a happier note I do have a roo and a hen that are from the girls which is from which is anyone's guess but I still have a little bit of them. Thanks for letting me tell my story.