Lost my personal BYC page..?


8 Years
Oct 19, 2011
Bay County, Florida
My Coop
My Coop
Howdy gang,

I've been trying to wait out the glitches (understandable when making such a huge software change). My avatar finally showed up again, but I cannot find my old BYC page. It took me a while, and a lot of pulled out hair, to build even that simple little page and I'd hate to have to do it all again. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

Beers y'all,
They're working on getting the links to our BYC pages back where they are easier to find. I know two ways to find it.

1. Go to your profile
under "your recent activity" deselect "breeds and supplies", "forums" and "profiles" (that changes the green square next to those to grey) so only "articles' has green and you'll see it listed under there.

2. In the top menu bar, go to Learning Center/Member Pages, on the left go to the "search member pages" box, type in your handle, and Voila, up comes a completely blank and empty page for Hodawg.


The screwy thing is, in the search window when it shows the link to your page, it has some of your text:
"Welcome to Hodawg's Chicken Page Home of "Right Wing Chickens" Mrs. Hodawg & I pick up the..."
Hmm, I think a whole chunk of pages of members near your handle in the alphabet are missing- I just reported this bug. I went through the alphabetical listing of member pages, under "H" page 5 and 7 work, but page 6 (with 100 members per page listed) give a nasty error. I sense a disturbance in the force.

Try this:

https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/alpha/h/293 works
https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/alpha/h/294 doesn't

Looks like that is the point where it breaks.

https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/alpha/h/353 is broken,
https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/alpha/h/354 works.

So I'm guessing every member page from h/294 to h/353

293 gets up to "hoboburger" and 354 starts at HogbackMtnChickns's Member Page

Hodawg is right in between those in the alphabet.
Last edited:
This one? https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/hodawgs-member-page

It is the only page I could find for you and it is blank, which is odd. What did you have on your page, we'll try to find it.

It was a fairly short page, Rob, in comparison to many others. About 7 or 8 shots of the birds in an igloo cooler brooder, then a few of their secondary brooder, then 3 or 4 of the new coop. My last update was about a week or so before the BYC makeover. Thanks for looking. I'm sure it's in there somewhere.

Beers y'all,
I think I found it, I went to the member page section in the learning center, did a search for your handle, and it brought up this page:


Is that yours? Did you change your handle, or maybe the apostrophes didn't work in a page name so it got changed to kickin chickins?

That is not me that's is kickin' chickens page--- not what's kickin' chicken I know,I know what are the chances that 2 people would pick a GREAT name like that ,,, ;)
I'm still MIA

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