Lost our beloved Silkie to a Hawk

Oct 17, 2017
It's been a hard weekend for us. This is our first lost to a predator. Like most have said, I thought I did enough to keep predators out. Yesterday, I had heard the girls squawking. I can't see much of the coop from the window, but I saw enough and knew something was wrong. It looked like our Rochachette was down and a hawk behind her. I ran, but I was too late. It took most of her head. I have only one area where raptors can fly in but have not seen any near (I'll be fixing that, big challenge!). Desiree and I buried her today and planted spring bulbs around her. We had lots of tears, great memories and prayers today. She was just 7 months old. Rochachette loved Desiree. She would fall asleep all snuggled up with Desiree in her coat every time she was here. Her feathers were so soft and whispy. We hadn't planned on a Silkie, but when we went to get our chicks she was the last Silkie and they didn't like it being alone and talked us in to it. Not that is was that hard to convince us, because she was so sweet and super soft. Well I don't know if this story helps anyone except that you're not alone if you lose one of your chickens. To some it's part of having livestock, but to us she was so much more. We are heartbroken but moving forward. Thanks for reading. God Bless!
Aaaw Dee Dee and Desiree :hit

So sorry to hear of your loss. I hope fond memories bring some comfort.

With Sympathy.jpg
It's so sad to lose a little friend who enjoyed life right along with you nearly every day. Chickens are sometimes as good of friends as the best of people.

She had a good life here and her passing away will help save other chickens.
Hope you feel better soon.
It's heartbreaking losing a friend, whether they're a pet or a creature that helps feed our families. We're worried about arial predators and appreciate the reminder to address this in our coop.

May those bulbs bloom and multiple and forever remind you of your sweet chicken.
Thank you so much!!!
It's so sad to lose a little friend who enjoyed life right along with you nearly every day. Chickens are sometimes as good of friends as the best of people.

She had a good life here and her passing away will help save other chickens.
Hope you feel better soon.
Awe, Thank you so much!!!
Well, I started today placing nets over the top of the run and attaching them to tree branches. We get some pretty good winds here on Camano Island, WA. so I had to be sure the tree branches could still move, and still be a derturant. I have one more spot to do, but I need Desiree to climb the tree. My ladder and my 5' self could not reach. I go running every time my girls make a sound. So worried. They were a lot more calm today. They have been pretty freaked out the last few days. Desiree put up a plaque she made and some flowers from our garden for Rochachette Monday morning before I took her to school. It was hard for me to see Desiree cry so hard when we buried our girl, but through it all she was strong as she could be. We kept feeling like we were missing one when we counted at night and only had 7. We miss her, but because of her, other lives will be saved. I was pretty proud of my work. I know it's not fool proof, but have you ever worked with that deer netting? It will mess you up if you get tangled in it. I hope this will help new chicken owners. Thank you in advance for reading.

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