Lost our duck / Incubating her eggs



6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Something seems to have taken our Indian Runner duck named Kaeda. I found Colonel wandering around looking for his female so I started to look for her. I only found her secret nest of eggs but not her. I assumed she had been back inside the coop last night when I locked everyone up but I guess she decided to stay out in the yard on her nest.
On one hand, I'm sad that we lost her but on the other hand, I'm honestly not surprised that she got taken since she didn't go into the coop.

Since Colonel has been breeding her like crazy, I assume her eggs should be able to be incubated. I was only able to find 9 of her eggs so I'm sure the hatch is going to be low.
I had to go out and buy another incubator since the one I bought recently already has eggs in it.

I'll try to keep this updated as often as I'm able to.

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I'm sorry you lost your girl! :hugsHoping for a good hatch. :fl
Question. I was wiping off what I could off the eggs with a dry paper towel but one of the eggs was wet from whatever it was sitting in and I didn't realize until I was halfway wiping it. Will that be fine? Or will that affect how it incubates?
Question. I was wiping off what I could off the eggs with a dry paper towel but one of the eggs was wet from whatever it was sitting in and I didn't realize until I was halfway wiping it. Will that be fine? Or will that affect how it incubates?
Sorry to hear about the loss of Kaeda. Hopefully, you'll be able to hatch those eggs and have some decedents from her.

The egg *should* be fine, I've hatched eggs that desperately needed cleaning so wiped them with a damp cloth. Ducks often sit on their nests while wet, and moving them around is bound to wipe stuff off (and put more on!).
Sorry to hear about the loss of Kaeda. Hopefully, you'll be able to hatch those eggs and have some decedents from her.

The egg *should* be fine, I've hatched eggs that desperately needed cleaning so wiped them with a damp cloth. Ducks often sit on their nests while wet, and moving them around is bound to wipe stuff off (and put more on!).
I only just noticed the first part of your reply.
Thankfully her eggs have been hatched before by myself & other people.
I am a little sad realizing she never made it to 3 yrs old.
I'm just hoping to end up with at least 1 female to keep.

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