"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Good morning all. Cold outside.

Yes it sure is! We covered up our tomatoes & peppers last night & I'm sure glad we did as there was a good bit of frost - supposed to be cold again tonight. March sure is going out like a lion this year. 

I spent yesterday afternoon helping out my neighbors, Inglewood Farms with their "Easter Spring Fling" - I had the poultry barn with 650 new baby chicks and 75 ducklings all less than a week old. I wish you could've seen people's faces -- it's amazing (and sad) how many kids AND young adults do not even know the difference between a baby chick and a baby duckling (I'm not making this up)!

Who all is planning to go to the show in Jennings? is it still April 20th? anybody have a link to the info? I might dust off my silver Marans roo and bring him & one of the pullets.

WOW Terri. Sounds like you had an exciting and interesting weekend.

I thought about you this weekend Terri because I will be going to pick up a bunch of fruit trees on Friday. I'm excited at the chance of getting fresh fruit from my back yard. I see a LOT of wine in my future. LOL :gig
Thanks, she is not here just yet but if she doesn't come by Thursday on her own....her birthday will be Thursday!!!

I'm not worried about living with women, I grew up with 2 sisters.....That's a piece of cake! I'm worried about what I might do to some 16 year old boy in about 12-14 or so years when/if he decides to try and cross the line a little bit!!!! lol!!!! I was 16 once too!!!

My 16 yr old daughter is dating a senior this year. I like the kid. He's the best boy she's ever "dated" but boy did he mess up last week! He came over after school Wednesday and they went off doing their thing. When I called them for dinner...she HAD A RING ON HER FINGER!!!!!!!!! Kid you not. I asked, "What is that thing?" They both stared in silence. I repeated the question louder. He finally said, "A promise ring." I turned my head from them and said, "I don't know whether to get a belt or a gun. Either way, that will come off of that ring finger or you will be leaving. I will discuss it with you when I'm calm." Geez...

I gave them both the speech about it being okay to really like each other enough to want to be together but I expect them both to get college out of the way. My daughter has been raised that marriage will not be an option until she's finishing college. Done. She had better not disappoint me. I fumed long enough to wonder if his family knew. So I drove over there (I didn't have a phone number) and told them what had happened and how I felt. I asked them to support me by slowing him down. Everyone was fine and supportive. Anyway, the poor boy just tried to say that since he's graduating and won't be AT SCHOOL with her, he just wanted her to understand that he loved her and wasn't going anywhere even though he wouldn't be right there with her all day. I finally agreed to the ring (24K white gold by the way) as long as it wasn't worn on her ring finger. All my friends and colleagues think I overreacted. Perhaps...but I cannot begin to tell you the panic I went into when I saw that ring on my kid's finger!
My 16 yr old daughter is dating a senior this year. I like the kid. He's the best boy she's ever "dated" but boy did he mess up last week! He came over after school Wednesday and they went off doing their thing. When I called them for dinner...she HAD A RING ON HER FINGER!!!!!!!!! Kid you not. I asked, "What is that thing?" They both stared in silence. I repeated the question louder. He finally said, "A promise ring." I turned my head from them and said, "I don't know whether to get a belt or a gun. Either way, that will come off of that ring finger or you will be leaving. I will discuss it with you when I'm calm." Geez...

I gave them both the speech about it being okay to really like each other enough to want to be together but I expect them both to get college out of the way. My daughter has been raised that marriage will not be an option until she's finishing college. Done. She had better not disappoint me. I fumed long enough to wonder if his family knew. So I drove over there (I didn't have a phone number) and told them what had happened and how I felt. I asked them to support me by slowing him down. Everyone was fine and supportive. Anyway, the poor boy just tried to say that since he's graduating and won't be AT SCHOOL with her, he just wanted her to understand that he loved her and wasn't going anywhere even though he wouldn't be right there with her all day. I finally agreed to the ring (24K white gold by the way) as long as it wasn't worn on her ring finger. All my friends and colleagues think I overreacted. Perhaps...but I cannot begin to tell you the panic I went into when I saw that ring on my kid's finger!
I think the "promise ring" fad is quite ridiculous! I mean, isn't that what an engagement ring is? A promise to marry you? What is the promise ring suppose to stand for? I promise to like you until I figure out if I want to marry you or not? lol If a guy wants to buy a girl a ring, then by all means go for it, but I don't think it has to come with some silly promise that 90% of the time isn't kept!

I have to agree with your friends/colleagues though. Might have been a bit of an overreaction!
I bet you scared the crap out of him!
Terri, April 1 is Monday. Pea laying season is here !!!!!!!!! :weee :weee :celebrate :ya :bow :bun :jumpy :cd

The Golden Eggs should arrive shortly. The cream of the crop. The million dollar baby. THE EGGS OF ALL EGGS!!!!! :bow

Let the night time pea egg checks begin. :yiipchick
I think the "promise ring" fad is quite ridiculous! I mean, isn't that what an engagement ring is? A promise to marry you? What is the promise ring suppose to stand for? I promise to like you until I figure out if I want to marry you or not? lol If a guy wants to buy a girl a ring, then by all means go for it, but I don't think it has to come with some silly promise that 90% of the time isn't kept!

I have to agree with your friends/colleagues though. Might have been a bit of an overreaction!
I bet you scared the crap out of him!
He spent the most of the weekend at our house, too. Went to the poultry show with us and everything. He did help clean coops and washed dishes Saturday night. I think he's trying to make up for driving me nuts. LOL. Poor kid. I'm sure I scared him half to death.
He spent the most of the weekend at our house, too. Went to the poultry show with us and everything. He did help clean coops and washed dishes Saturday night. I think he's trying to make up for driving me nuts. LOL. Poor kid. I'm sure I scared him half to death.
I think the "promise ring" fad is quite ridiculous! I mean, isn't that what an engagement ring is? A promise to marry you? What is the promise ring suppose to stand for? I promise to like you until I figure out if I want to marry you or not? lol If a guy wants to buy a girl a ring, then by all means go for it, but I don't think it has to come with some silly promise that 90% of the time isn't kept! I have to agree with your friends/colleagues though. Might have been a bit of an overreaction!
I bet you scared the crap out of him!
Ya'll are not helping me! LOL!!!! Chris
Sorry Chris! I have two boys -- 18 and 8 and my daughter is 16. She is a fairly mature and responsible kid, but they all make poor decisions. My husband has 4 daughters ages ranging from 24 to 8. It's not easy to trust any of the girls to think straight when all they see are hearts and stars!
Well if it makes you feel any better, I am 25. I moved in with my boyfriend at 19, bought my own house at 20 which he moved into with me, we got engaged at 22, and I married him at 23. Throughout that time I graduated with a bachelors and he with his masters degree, so don't panic! I think if I were a parent I would find my chosen path a little risky, but it turned out just fine! Gotta let them make their own mistakes. (Yeah, yeah, I know. Easier said than done!) Now if we would have had a kid at any point prior to now, that would have severely derailed my train! I have my hands full with taking care of the house, tending to the animals, and working full time. I'm so ready for a vacation!

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