"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Well if it makes you feel any better, I am 25. I moved in with my boyfriend at 19, bought my own house at 20 which he moved into with me, we got engaged at 22, and I married him at 23. Throughout that time I graduated with a bachelors and he with his masters degree, so don't panic! I think if I were a parent I would find my chosen path a little risky, but it turned out just fine! Gotta let them make their own mistakes. (Yeah, yeah, I know. Easier said than done!) Now if we would have had a kid at any point prior to now, that would have severely derailed my train! I have my hands full with taking care of the house, tending to the animals, and working full time. I'm so ready for a vacation!
I, too, got started early. I married at 19 and bought a house three months later. Two kids, many differences and an 18 yr old "exotic dancer" later--I divorced the loser and was only halfway through a degree.
He married his dancer while I worked 4 part time jobs around school to finish and graduate early. I know kids have to make their own mistakes, but I know what it was like to raise two kids under the age of 4 while working and going to school without their father to help. I'm glad you two are getting yourselves settled before diving into parenthood. Not that I'm intentionally airing dirty laundry here--but I don't mind sharing my mistakes if others learn from them.
Wayne from Harahan,LA
Welcome Wayne!

Yeppers....I'm waiting patiently on many, many, many eggs from you.
A variety of colored little pea babies will make me quite happy.
I, too, got started early. I married at 19 and bought a house three months later. Two kids, many differences and an 18 yr old "exotic dancer" later--I divorced the loser and was only halfway through a degree.
He married his dancer while I worked 4 part time jobs around school to finish and graduate early. I know kids have to make their own mistakes, but I know what it was like to raise two kids under the age of 4 while working and going to school without their father to help. I'm glad you two are getting yourselves settled before diving into parenthood. Not that I'm intentionally airing dirty laundry here--but I don't mind sharing my mistakes if others learn from them.
Welcome Wayne!
Yeppers....I'm waiting patiently on many, many, many eggs from you.
A variety of colored little pea babies will make me quite happy.

Well with that type of experience, I think I would have overreacted as well! You definitely get a pass on that one!
I, too, got started early. I married at 19 and bought a house three months later. Two kids, many differences and an 18 yr old "exotic dancer" later--I divorced the loser and was only halfway through a degree.
He married his dancer while I worked 4 part time jobs around school to finish and graduate early. I know kids have to make their own mistakes, but I know what it was like to raise two kids under the age of 4 while working and going to school without their father to help. I'm glad you two are getting yourselves settled before diving into parenthood. Not that I'm intentionally airing dirty laundry here--but I don't mind sharing my mistakes if others learn from them.
Welcome Wayne!
Yeppers....I'm waiting patiently on many, many, many eggs from you.
A variety of colored little pea babies will make me quite happy.
You're first on my list!
Well with that type of experience, I think I would have overreacted as well! You definitely get a pass on that one!
I could top that one but wont mention the details here. It all worked out in the end and I am very happily married now to a great husband and father. Just urge your daughter to pick cautiously. I don't think you can truly know someone after only two years and sadly that is the norm prior to marriage. What's the rush?? Enjoy being young while you can.
I could top that one but wont mention the details here. It all worked out in the end and I am very happily married now to a great husband and father.

Just urge your daughter to pick cautiously. I don't think you can truly know someone after only two years and sadly that is the norm prior to marriage. What's the rush?? Enjoy being young while you can.
X2. Married at 17 and a baby a year later. Very luckily divorced "the love of my life" after he turned quite violent. Many paths taken as a very young, single, poor, uneducated Mom who made some bad choices. I was on my own. I finally decided that the only way out of my sad life was an education. At 26 I went to college. BUT, it was VERY hard. Like Chickenbelle, I worked as much as 3 jobs at a time to support school and my daughter and I, all while studying and going to classes on top of that. I think I would have reacted like Chickenbelle to any kind of ring at that young age. I know that only by the GRACE of God I gained the wisdom to make some very hard changes. BUT the odds were very stacked against me and I wouldn't ever want to take the chance my child wouldn't find that difficult path to change. Chickenbelle, once that train starts moving fast, it's hard to stop it in time. IMHO. BTW, my life has been quite lovely for MANY years, now, my daughter is wonderful and my grandkids are super.
Hello Louisiana chicken people! We are new to chickens and BYC. Have 6 5-week olds. 2 Buffs, 2 Americanas, a Golden Comet and Barred Rock, all hens we hope. Live in Abita (actually in what I refer to as Talibita) and have hit the Chicken Swap at O'Keefe's the last two months. Looking for day old Lavender Orphingtons (2 pullets) within the next few weeks in an 50 mile radius of Covington. Any ideas where I may find them? Thanks in advance.

Wayne from Harahan,LA

Welcome to La-yers boorae and Wayne!! Hey Wayne - I'm just up the road from you in River Ridge.
Here are pictures of the critters we took to the show last weekend.

She slept through the entire show. Lazy girl.

My 8 year old claimed this little lady. She took Reserve Breed.

Hubby showed this Mille cock--he took Best of Breed.

If you have wyandottes you know how flighty and excitable they can be. I had a hard time getting him still enough for a picture. This is NOT the cockerel my daughter wanted to take. She wanted to take the other wyandotte that's tried to kill all of our other birds lately--since he's beautiful (the one in my avatar). But I was really afraid he would attack the judge so I wouldn't let her take him. She still got Best of Breed for this one.

It is so hard to keep the feathers on the d'uccles feet from getting shredded! Hard breed to prep for showing.

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