"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I'm so jealous! My first 4 eggs that my girls layed weren't fertile, but the one I got from you definitely is! It is showing some good development, so I'm hoping for the best! I also put 8 eggs in the incubator today. Maybe those boys will have gotten their act together by now! I'll have to get some pics of the chicks I hatched from my buff/partridge pen. I got a couple really nice babies with some nice vaults on them. I have a partridge sizzle from Chris in there with them, so I'm hoping that at least a few are sizzles
What's up Gracie? I'm going to send you all my Sizzle business since I see your hatching them, lol!!!

I might have some by the end of the summer. I don't know what happened to the smooth sizzle rooster, but I lost him about a month after I got him from you. Just found him dead in the pen. No injuries, no signs of illness. Really odd. So now I'm back trying to build a flock out of sizzle hens and a silkie rooster
Talk about some extensive culling! This is quite a project!

And congrats on the little girl! You're in for a treat! Nothing like living with a house full of women
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I might have some by the end of the summer. I don't know what happened to the smooth sizzle rooster, but I lost him about a month after I got him from you. Just found him dead in the pen. No injuries, no signs of illness. Really odd. So now I'm back trying to build a flock out of sizzle hens and a silkie rooster
Talk about some extensive culling! This is quite a project!

And congrats on the little girl! You're in for a treat! Nothing like living with a house full of women
Thanks, she is not here just yet but if she doesn't come by Thursday on her own....her birthday will be Thursday!!!

I'm not worried about living with women, I grew up with 2 sisters.....That's a piece of cake! I'm worried about what I might do to some 16 year old boy in about 12-14 or so years when/if he decides to try and cross the line a little bit!!!! lol!!!! I was 16 once too!!!

Thanks, she is not here just yet but if she doesn't come by Thursday on her own....her birthday will be Thursday!!!

I'm not worried about living with women, I grew up with 2 sisters.....That's a piece of cake! I'm worried about what I might do to some 16 year old boy in about 12-14 or so years when/if he decides to try and cross the line a little bit!!!! lol!!!! I was 16 once too!!!

That's so exciting! I hope it all goes well!

Yeah, I come from a family of nothing but girls! My mom has 3 sisters who all had nothing but girls themselves! My little sister finally broker the curse and had 2 little boys, but we are still starving for some more in the family!
It's sounds like you all had a good time at the show. It's a lot of work but also a lot of fun! We might have to try and make up that way for the next one.!


By all means yes you should I might have to get out the ol spit and polish kit and shine me up a New Hampshire or three next round, they weren't any there, no Dels either and no BR boys had some nice looking BR pullets though, looked good too a few RIR girls no Leghorns/Medit. class at all.

I figure one could take a nice solid White Rock pullet at a meet like that and clean up in the LF area and I just may have some of them too by next year and for sure some Columbian Rocks they are being shipped out as we speak this morning, I'm going to have a "plethora" to choose from LOL

Hello Louisiana chicken people! We are new to chickens and BYC. Have 6 5-week olds. 2 Buffs, 2 Americanas, a Golden Comet and Barred Rock, all hens we hope. Live in Abita (actually in what I refer to as Talibita) and have hit the Chicken Swap at O'Keefe's the last two months. Looking for day old Lavender Orphingtons (2 pullets) within the next few weeks in an 50 mile radius of Covington. Any ideas where I may find them? Thanks in advance.

Good morning all. Cold outside.
Yes it sure is! We covered up our tomatoes & peppers last night & I'm sure glad we did as there was a good bit of frost - supposed to be cold again tonight. March sure is going out like a lion this year.

I spent yesterday afternoon helping out my neighbors, Inglewood Farms with their "Easter Spring Fling" - I had the poultry barn with 650 new baby chicks and 75 ducklings all less than a week old. I wish you could've seen people's faces -- it's amazing (and sad) how many kids AND young adults do not even know the difference between a baby chick and a baby duckling (I'm not making this up)!

Who all is planning to go to the show in Jennings? is it still April 20th? anybody have a link to the info? I might dust off my silver Marans roo and bring him & one of the pullets.

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