"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

That is so beautiful, Pam. Really. I could live in it. What a super talented hubby.

Thanks everyone,we're trying to make the coop look harmonious with the studio we're building. Our other coop is the average coop. a lot of bending to clean. The new coop We can walk in. No bending to clean or to catch a roosting bird etc. Thanks everyone, Pam
Pam - those doors are gorgeous!

As for the goats, my side kick and sis-in-law has raised goats for years and her goat that has to be close to 100 in goat years..has a pen probaby 10x10...but he chooses to stand on his house that is in the pen 90% of the time. I, myself, have no goat experience. Now I can help with pig info...haha

I have a question - i have the 2 week old chicks in a box approximately 4 foot long by 2-3 foot wide..and the gang violence has only seemed to escalate! I have done the following-
Added 'toys' for entertainment
Temp is good and is regulated
Always fresh food and water

There are 4 buff orpington bantams, 5 barred cochin bantams and 4 partridge cochin bantams. They seem to have always hung out segragated by 'color'..hence my daughter's term of 'gang wars'.
Is this normal? Is there something I am doing wrong? Or there any suggestions or ideas to alleviate this? My smaller chicks are the ones I feel bad for. They get caught in the crossfire. Are they already trying to establish a pecking order?
Thanks everyone,we're trying to make the coop look harmonious with the studio we're building. Our other coop is the average coop. a lot of bending to clean. The new coop We can walk in. No bending to clean or to catch a roosting bird etc. Thanks everyone, Pam
That is the exact 2 problems that I had with the last one.........besides that its a hundred years old, haha! A walk in is going to be so much better for you!
Doyline is near bossier city. I have 10 Rhode Island reds and have no idea what I'm doing. I inherited them from my neighbor who just moved to Mo. I told her I would take care of them.
Lemon we just screwed them in the bottle caps no silicon etc.. The ones we put in pvc we used silicon you could use teflone tape also. They caught on quick red attracks them. I don't think thats a bed price. if you bought a regular waterer(spelling?) that size it would be close to that price.Pam
Pam - those doors are gorgeous!

As for the goats, my side kick and sis-in-law has raised goats for years and her goat that has to be close to 100 in goat years..has a pen probaby 10x10...but he chooses to stand on his house that is in the pen 90% of the time. I, myself, have no goat experience. Now I can help with pig info...haha

I have a question - i have the 2 week old chicks in a box approximately 4 foot long by 2-3 foot wide..and the gang violence has only seemed to escalate! I have done the following-
Added 'toys' for entertainment
Temp is good and is regulated
Always fresh food and water

There are 4 buff orpington bantams, 5 barred cochin bantams and 4 partridge cochin bantams. They seem to have always hung out segragated by 'color'..hence my daughter's term of 'gang wars'.
Is this normal? Is there something I am doing wrong? Or there any suggestions or ideas to alleviate this? My smaller chicks are the ones I feel bad for. They get caught in the crossfire. Are they already trying to establish a pecking order?

That is a little strange about the colors. But I will share a recent experience with "gang wars"

I bought 4 white Plymouth rock hens that were maybe 3 weeks old. Then my order came from the hatchery a few days later. Those older white rock chicks were (still are) the naughties hens! They REALLY started picking at the younger ones so badly that I had to separate them so they would not truly harm the younger ones by picking at their new pin feathers that were coming in and making them bleed. They literally at one point picked a hole in the skin of my white Wyandotte!!! So fast forward to a week ago when our friend decided which age of chicks he wanted from us (we were gifting him with 6 hens. Actually more of a trade because he gives us stuff
). So it ended up being 2 of those older white rocks, and 4 of the younger group that came from the hatchery. And I had to figure out how to integrate them in just 3-4 days. I was using a pen that is 4ft x 4ft. I placed a crate in there in such a way that the younger chicks had a walkway completely around behind that crate in the corner. But it was too close for those older 2 white rocks to go back there. So if they were getting chased or felt threatened they could go have some quiet time. I put the food close at one end of the walkway so they were sure to get food. I watched to be sure they got water, and gave them moistened food in their corner the next morning. I put a little dish of it in the crate also, since they liked to jump in there and snuggle, all 4 of the younger ones together. Then I also did like you, lots of things to entertain, perches, a bin for a dust bath (that was their favorite!) as well as fresh picked greens and clover in the morning. The main thing at first was to give the younger ones a place to escape until those older 2 got their heads straight. Not as much chasing the second day. I kept a close eye and by the third night I was able to move the crate to just the right spot and they all slept together and really bonded. They went to their new home Sunday and within 2 hrs we saw their picture on fb in their new coop
Doyline is near bossier city. I have 10 Rhode Island reds and have no idea what I'm doing. I inherited them from my neighbor who just moved to Mo. I told her I would take care of them.

Ask any questions you have. If the people on at the time can't help they will tell you who can. R R Reds are pretty easy. Next thing you know you'll be buying chicks.Pam

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