"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

NOLA--So sorry for your loss. He was beautiful.

PSJ-- I'd start putting out bait. Open cans of food and wait out with the guns to put a stop to it. I'll do what I can to get you more babies when you've terminated the dogs. It's a shame. The poor dogs are just hungry. This is a definite HUMAN problem. They're the ones who need punishment. Did you ask about pressing charges? I would have a camera on the yard to prove it is them and then press charges.
NOLA- Bubbles was beautiful! I'm very sorry for your loss.
I'm devastated. Something just took my favorite Silkie, Bubbles. - probably a raccoon or cat. He was there when I checked on the flock late this afternoon. When I went to put them up for the night he was gone. My DH found a clump of his feathers where whatever it was pulled him under the house. I'm so upset!!! :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit :hit I know this is part of owning chickens but it's my first predator incident and I don't like it one bit! Here are a couple of picture I took last week. He was almost 6 months old; a Bobbie Porto baby. He would follow me around in the back yard especially when I was working in the gardens. Knew I was likely to dig up some treats for him.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry to hear that. :hit That hurts my heart to hear that. I hope that you all are able to catch and do away with that predator. It always hurts to lose bird. Sending hugs your way. :hugs
Well... Had to call the sheriffs dept out yesterday. Got home and ALL of my adult birds except one were gone. I'm furious. They dug under my fence. The top of my run is covered and it has hardware cloth about a foot and half up from the bottom to keep the chicken wire from being chewed thru so what do they do? They dig under. I'm going to be putting electrical wire around the bottom of the pen. It's ridiculous. I haven't lost birds to predators in about 3 years.
I'm so, so sorry. The sheriff's advice was horrible.

FINALLY got a pic of my newest babies! I love how the males come plant themselves between Mama & the babies. NOBODY bothers the babies! These are the most attentive parents I've ever seen!

Such a handsome family!!!

Remember I tried the deal with the window screens replaced with hardware cloth and placed grass seed under the screens? Well, the first grass I grew was golf course seed (didn't know it was) and the grass never grew high enough to go through the screen. LOL Duh!! So I lifted the screens and just let the girls have at it. Then I thought about my wild bird seed, it always grows high under the bird feeders, so I put it under the screen and it is starting to grow through the screens. Here's a foto before the seed sprouted and today. It will get a lot greener, it has just started to sprout. The girls love lunching on the tender green grass. I call it their Salad Bar. LOL

Love this idea!

It's been a while, how is everyone doing? I got 38 welsummer chicks hatched from my hens recently. Just wanted to share.
So, I have had a slew of baby animals all my life...never chicks! I am well researched and prepared but still am wondering how much peeping goes on! Is it 24/7 except sleeping for them? I am starting with 4 chicks and have safe multiple places to set them up in their brooder and would like it close lol but not at the cost of sleep! Which is rare anyway here.

:( so so sorry, he was beautiful

NOLA--So sorry for your loss. He was beautiful.

NOLA- Bubbles was beautiful! I'm very sorry for your loss.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry to hear that.
That hurts my heart to hear that. I hope that you all are able to catch and do away with that predator. It always hurts to lose bird. Sending hugs your way.

Thank you so much for your warm thoughts. My DH went under the house this morning to remove the carcass but it was only feathers. He found the tracks of Boonie, our next door neighbor's raccoon, showing that she had dragged the bird over to their house. We're all animal lovers in our neighborhood - one reason I knew I could have chickens (and roos) and not have problems with my neighbors. One of us is always rescuing something. Boonie was brought to them as a baby so they hand-raised it. It's an indoor/outdoor coon and they feed her very well. That's why I didn't think she would go to the trouble of catching a chicken when she never wants for food. Heck, they were calling her a few days ago to give her pizza. Obviously I was wrong. Lesson learned. I'll take extra measures to keep the flock safe.
Unlike most raccoons, she is active during the day. That's the way she was raised and I guess it stuck.
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Need some help you guy...my 5 mo old Legbar Roo is not his usual energetic self. He started laying around yesterday by himself and is no better this morning. No other visible symptoms. Any suggestions or advice?
Good morning everyone. I hope that everyone had a wonderful and EGGciting weekend. The weather was great and I had a great weekend. Almost as good as last weekend.

Of course, we chicken peeps are always in the yard with our birds and that's always nice to see the critters running around. Here is what's going on with me.

Last weekend (not sure if I mentioned it) but I sold ALL of the poults that were still in the brooder in the garage. The guy who owns a local feed store told this guy about me having turkeys and he called and said that he wanted every poult that I had, so I sold him all of them. So I have no more poults. :hit I miss those little guys. :/ Also sold 4 gosling on last weekend and that left me with 11 gosling. This year has been a great year for hatching gosling. Who knew that the chickens and incubator would hatch so many.

Also sold some keets last weekend as well. That left me with 10.

This past weekend was also exciting. A lady that I had sold some gosling to about a month ago called me and told me that one of her gosling had died. Well, the reason that it died was linked back to the medicated feed that the feed store sold her. Unfortunately the one didn't make it but the other gosling survived. I told her to get rid of that feed and start feeding them Purina Flockraiser Crumble. I have always fed my gosling and ducklings this for man years and have never lost a single waterfowl to feed issues. So, she wanted another gosling because the lone survivor was not handling it's siblings death well. In most cases, I would not have sold her another baby but I KNOW for a fact that this lady IS a VERY responsible pet owner and did not kill her gosling on purpose or being intentionally negligent. She did all she could to keep this baby alive. Unfortunately, the medicated feed won the battle and the gosling died. I usually print out a care sheet for new owners but I didn't give her a care sheet to include types of feed. Maybe if I would have, the gosling would still be alive. :/ Anyway, I felt so sorry for her that I told her that I would give her a gosling free of charge because I felt so bad that she lost her baby and I know that it wasn't her fault and I could tell that she did all she could to keep the baby alive. The lady said that she couldn't take the gosling for free and that she would have to pay me for it. I told her that the only way that she would get the gosling was unless she took it for free and I wasn't going to have it any other way. :p Well, she and her daughter came over this weekend to take a look at the gosling to pick out the one that was about the same size as her lone gosling. Well, to my surprise, when the lady got out of the truck, she had the most wonderful gift for me. Since I wouldn't let her pay for the gosling, she bought me a big jar of honey from her bee hives. :D I was so surprised at her gesture. I love local raw honey and this was so sweet of her. I was so surprised at her generous offer. So she picked out her gosling and enjoyed all of the new lambs running around as the lambs were bumping their calves to bed fed their bottles. :gig She also bought 4 dozen eggs before they were on their way back to Youngsville and put in an order for her family's Thanksgiving turkey. What a great visit with some very nice people. Here is a pic of the delicious honey that she bought me. I had some with a hot biscuit this morning. :drool

Someone contacted me about my pea eggs. I had 10 eggs for sale (or to be placed in the incubator). The guy asked me how many did I have for sale and I told him 10. He said that he had to check with his wife to see how many she wanted. He asked me how much were they and I told him. He said that he would call me back. He called me back in about 10 minutes and told me that his wife wanted all 10 eggs !!!! :eek: I was like, "HUH, HOW MANY"? He said all of them. I was like OOOOOOOOOOOOOOKAAAYYY!!! So he came over and bought all of the pea eggs. I threw in 11 free guinea eggs and 7 free turkey eggs as Lagniappe for them.

I had another customer that came over and wanted poults, peas and keets. The only thing that I had was keets to sell, so she bought 8 keets. That left me with 2 keets. Poor babies have been crying for their brooder mates ever since.

Had a long time egg customer that came over and bought his usual "$5.00" worth of eggs. The price of my eggs don't yield an exact dozen of eggs that costs $5.00 even, so I packaged his 4 dozen of eggs (he is on a fixed income and he doesn't have much money but REFUSES to let me give him free eggs, so I give him extra eggs and he thinks he is actually paying the cost of the eggs. :gig). So he drove off at 2.5 miles an hour down the road in his old van. Been knowing him for about 40 years. He is as nice as he can be.

Someone contacted me and wants 6 peas when they are hatched. Again, I was like, "HUH, HOW MANY"? He said 6. I told him the price to see if he still wanted 6 and the answer was still yes. Soooooooo, if I'm lucky enough to hatch 6 this season, then I guess I will be able to fill his order. :/

Lockdown was yesterday for 4 pea eggs, 2 turkey eggs and 12 guinea eggs. Hatch day is scheduled for Wednesday. I didn't candle, so I don't know what's going on in those eggs. :idunno I found 2 more pea eggs last night, so the girls are still laying. They have layed 16 eggs so far this year. All of the pea eggs that I collect for the next week will go in the incubator, so I am crossing my fingers my girls can lay at least 12 eggs. :fl

I think that's all that is going on at Happy Acres, Broody Acres & Fertile Acres Farm. :lau


Here are a few pics from this weekend.

I think that I have THE LAZIEST and THE FATTEST ROOSTER in the world. When you have a rooster that sits down and crows all day long, what you got there is LAZY. I had to take a pic of his LAZY butt. This rooster was raised with some turkeys and the mom a few years ago. He ate 30% protein with the poults and it shows. He is the heaviest chicken that I have in the yard. He weighs just as much as the turkeys. His name is "The Colonel" (as in Colonel Sanders who founded Kentucky Fried chicken)






I went to the store right quick this weekend and when I got back, I went to check on the baby geese in their pen and they were GONE !!!!!!!! I immediately knew who had them. So, I started looking for Satan's Army and I saw that Satan's Army had kidnapped them and had them walking up the gravel road on the side of the house AWAY from the house. I'm not sure where Satan's Army was taking them but it looks like they were headed to the gully in the back of the property. So, I don't know if they were taking them on a suicide mission or for a swim in the gully. Who knows with this bunch. So I herded them back to the yard.

Now all of the time I was home, Satan's Army did not try to steal them. Those knuckleheads waited until I left to do their dirt. I can't take those geese anymore!!! :mad: :he Anybody need some geese? :rolleyes:


Went out in the sheep pen to do rectal temps on my bottle fed lambs and decided to take some pics. This was about 10:30 PM last night. Some of the babies were sleeping when I got out there.




Some of the others were just laying around. Their hair is shedding, so they look like they have on cheap coats that they found at the local dumpster. :gig

Terri, I think the girls had a birthday on Saturday? They are 3 years old correct? That's what my records show. If not, then we celebrated their birthday anyway this weekend. :weee Birthday or no birthday, there was a party in their pen. :lol:

I think that's all folks.

Enjoy your day!!!!!!! :frow
Need some help you guy...my 5 mo old Legbar Roo is not his usual energetic self. He started laying around yesterday by himself and is no better this morning. No other visible symptoms. Any suggestions or advice?
Hmmm. You could worm him and start him on a broad spectrum antibiotic. Keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't get a runny nose or anything. That could indicate a number of issues.

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