"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

My grandma uses a 'killing cone". I'm not so sure if it makes it an easier, just less messy.
Personally I think it'll always tug at heart strings a lil but gets easier. YOU raised them, they had a good life thanks to you and such is the cycle of life. Once they are meat it will please you that you did such a good job.

I will have to try that one day. :oops:
The experienced posters in the meat threads have helped me endlessly!!!  They have posted great lists of what items to be prepared with etc.  Some people even post a step by step of their personal methods.  It was so helpful to me.  We used 2 traffic cones that we cut the pointy end down some.  I think that would always be the easiest method for me.  Simply because you can do the deed and walk away to do other things.  When you come back it is meat.  If your interested in reading some of what the real experience people say here is the link.....


This is a long thread.  I read it alllllll the way through.  Took awhile.  I am glad I did though.  Because if I ever needed to do in a chicken to save it from suffering with a severe injury or something like that......then at least I know I am equipped with the knowledge.

Thanks for posting the link.
I'm not sure that I will ever be able to do it. :/

I'm not saying I could do it.  Only if someone put a shotgun to my head and it was my life or the chicken's, that I would do it that peaceful way...or, maybe the chicken would live.  LOL


:lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau

I'm sorry but that is funny !!!!! :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau

LOL @ maybe the chicken would live. :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau
Great news!  I got home yesterday evening to a raccoon in the trap I'd set. :yesss:  The cat food and PB worked  like a charm!  DH carried him off and I don't want to know the details. :oops:   I think there may be a second one.  The dogs were all in an uproar this morning with my retriever clawing at the little area by the woodpile where the coon was coming into the backyard.  To be safe I'm going to set the trap again tonight.  Thanks to all who gave advice and support.  I couldn't have done it without you.  :highfive: .

Alright !!!!! Good job!!!!!!!! :celebrate
I want to do a set of meaties pretty bad but I sat for hours reading tips, watching home slaughter and even for a sec tried to watch commercial slaughter (thinking itd help me see why us doing it is better) still don't have the guts...
I even thought maybe-if I must-order meaties, at a certain point one has to put them down & prep due to health reasons for the meaties I read (bigger n older they start dying? Breaking legs? ) but then relized I would have to set up a MASH medical tent and save each one :/

I'm going to a friend's house who processes his roo's so I can see 1st hand. He's super gentle and quick. My grandma only started the killing cone after her crossed nails in a stump had a chicken (headless) take off to the neighbors, at a family BBQ. It was horrible for Them. The tough ol German lady literally laughed all afternoon :/ So grandpa made her use the cones. I *want* to be able to process our own meat, safely & quick for the bird . All of us grandkids were taught how to prep chickens, rabbits and snakes (ewww I know-I raised snakes as pets, but she made stew and meat sticks for the hunters outta it-lean meat high protein in small pieces) not how to kill the creatures tho. I think it would have been easier to learn to kill it than clean it that young lol then I wouldn't have to get lost on YouTube in chicken death videos :hmm lol
I suppose its harder because we baby our girls...well any creature that just wants food n love we baby...but its probably not a bad thing having to take so much time to work up to killing something, that trusts us lol. I have no issue sending an arrow through a predator after my family, pets or livestock...

I would have to raise them away from my house buy them knowing that they or food & not pets (we don't name our food) and they would not be able to free range & when the time come some one else will have to do the deed I could pluck & cut & pack & eat. And still I go out every day & collect them beautiful EGGS crack them & eat them with out a second thought. Good thing eggs don't have eyes.

OMG!! Poor people at the BBQ who saw the headless chicken running around. :hit

If I got meaties, I would have to wait for them to drop dead in the chicken yard and then I would go out and pick them up and process them. :oops:
Great news! I got home yesterday evening to a raccoon in the trap I'd set.
The cat food and PB worked like a charm! DH carried him off and I don't want to know the details.
I think there may be a second one. The dogs were all in an uproar this morning with my retriever clawing at the little area by the woodpile where the coon was coming into the backyard. To be safe I'm going to set the trap again tonight. Thanks to all who gave advice and support. I couldn't have done it without you.
Nice and congrats but yea I would re set it theres usually more than 1

Processing birds isnt hard yall If you dont want to see the bird die and dont take this as cruel because its really not take your bird or birds and put them in a paper feed sack roll it tight so they cant move and set in the freezer for a bit They just fall asleep and dont wake up. Dont do this if you plan on bleeding them. I dont mind the processing part as I process all my meat except steak as I dont have cows but have butchered a few of them as well. The best way I found honestly is have a really good 22 and deliver the all fatal limp neck disease to em. They suffer none
Great news!  I got home yesterday evening to a raccoon in the trap I'd set. :yesss:  The cat food and PB worked  like a charm!  DH carried him off and I don't want to know the details. :oops:   I think there may be a second one.  The dogs were all in an uproar this morning with my retriever clawing at the little area by the woodpile where the coon was coming into the backyard.  To be safe I'm going to set the trap again tonight.  Thanks to all who gave advice and support.  I couldn't have done it without you.  :highfive: .

Nice and congrats but yea I would re set it theres usually more than 1

Processing birds isnt hard yall If you dont want to see the bird die and dont take this as cruel because its really not take your bird or birds and put them in a paper feed sack roll it tight so they cant move and set in the freezer for a bit They just fall asleep and dont wake up. Dont do this if you plan on bleeding them. I dont mind the processing part as I process all my meat except steak as I dont have cows but have butchered a few of them as well. The best way I found honestly is have a really good 22 and deliver the all fatal limp neck disease to em. They suffer none 

So when are you coming over to do the deed? :oops:

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