"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"


This girl wanted to know why we were taking away her pile of composted poo!! Cute.


Trying potatoes in bins this year..... Can't go wrong with pink.


One of the (hopefully) pullets we are growing out. Red bantam Cochin. Sweet and spoiled.

Babies ready to be planted.
Ultimately I would like 1 roo and 4-5 hens so I'll probably have to start with 10 I'm guessing unless you can sex them. Do you have pics of your birds in the other colors?

Glad your Dad is doing well! A friend of mine went through that or similar about 6 mounts ago. Docs were surprised he made it.

I have a couple of old pics on my phone, likely from last year. They are pics of young pullets taken with my cell, but it can give you an idea. I did not grow out any black laced or splash laced from my last generation.

My dad is lucky to be alive as well. He wouldn't have had such a difficult time though if he wouldn't be so hardheaded. He does not seek medical attention until it is dire.




Chicks are really growing! I'm Day 19 on my Easter hatch but I have two external pips and a handful of internal pips.


Bator pip.


Broody pip.

How is the hatch going? Congrats!

Hey all,  hope y'all's day is going well.   I spent 3 weeks in rehab and depended on SIL Clint to watch over the chicks.   He did a respectable job. They are a little neglected.   We had to change to dry feed and he kept it in there unlimited.   Soooooo today I'm going to make up my big batch of fermented feed.   They are a little bedraggled.  They'll be back to their glory soon.   
I have the home health lady coming at 2 pm to set me up.  So glad to be home.  Looks like I was missed by family as well as animals.   :plbb

I'm happy to hear you're doing so well, Linda! It gives me anxiety to have to turn over my animals' care to others. I know you're happy to be back!

I just started lockdown. Most are legbars and a few bielefelders. :jumpy I'm so excited.

I love spring and all the hatching!

I'm still waiting for eggs from the hens that I actually want eggs from!

I'm trying very hard to be patient.

Hubby is finally home and able to help me. We got 2 more truck loads of compost today. The garden is looking better and better. I have some seedlings ready to go in and he adjusted some beds today. The hard job is going to be digging the remaining breeds of asparagus. We will use a few crowns in the new beds (about 1 ¹/² of the way finished last year). We are sharing again extra crowns with his parents and friends. I cut a nice size cabbage. Very tasty. So much to be done. The barn breeds cleaned. Newest chicken salad bar gardens need seeded. On and on. But the good news of today is that the garden is looking more civilized and tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully we can move after shoveling all that compost. Lol!

You are always so busy and productive!

Seven of the ten chicks in the bator when I got home. The black/silver (blue?) and the middle chipmunk are from my brown eggs. The rest could be EE, OE, or SS mixed. None are SS; one just hatched, though. There are three chicks under the broody, one pip, and one that was half unzipped then died. Maybe she smothered it on accident.

So current total count: 14 chicks of 48 eggs. It's still Day 20.
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I have a couple hens with swollen eyes, lost appetite, not drinking much, I am offshore so info is sketchy, my wife is doing the best she can, isolating those showing syptoms
I have a couple hens with swollen eyes, lost appetite, not drinking much, I am offshore so info is sketchy, my wife is doing the best she can, isolating those showing syptoms

I saw a hen a month ago (?) on one of the fb groups with those symptoms. Initially they thought eye worms, but it ended up being something respiratory that was treated with antibiotics.

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