"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

With hurricanes, I don't have to worry about flooding/storm surge where I live, but here on the Northshore, we have a lot of tall pine trees that during Katrina, pretty much sliced through homes. We do go to a local hotel until it blows over because of some of the large trees around my home, and we have to get my mom and 98 year old grandma to a safe area. But we are very close, and hubby actually drives during the storm several times home to check on things.

We are not able to evacuate since we own a local Tree Service, and my husband is needed right away, and also we stay because of all our animals. But I've got to admit, any Katrina type storm again scares the crap out of me. I was amazed at all the things I saw and heard, and it continues to break my heart. But I choose to live here, and love it. It is either Hurricanes to deal with, or back north to sub zero temps and snow for months on end that we do not want to go back to. This is home!
What kind of Ameraucanas do you have? I just hatched two from pips & peeps(wheaten/blue wheaten). Sure hoping for a roo and a hen.
I'm not far from you, about 4 miles from Sun. Oh, by the

Oops, just noticed you've been here for a year! Oh well, my name says it all!!!!
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Hi Bumpkin:

I would love some of the wheaten/blue wheaten someday!! Good luck with them. Post some pics when you have time, I would love to see the babies. Yep, my hubby got a job call from your area up in Sun yesterday. Nice to meet ya!

I have BluesI hatched out from Ahappychick, and I have some LF Split Lav from Pips & peeps, (Jean) in my bator right now. Very excited about them!!! I also am waiting on a shipment from Paul Smith of Black, blues and splash. My goal is to eventurally have just Ameraucanas, and as I learn, work towards Lavender. They are gorgeous!!

Hey all
Aint been on in a minute but loving the weather hatching more than I know what to do with.
And expanding unreal.
I agree on the lavenders I just got a big order on eggs of pure blue and lavender Ameracaunas hoping for a nice hatch
Hope every one's doing good
New to Bossier City and wondering if anyone has had success or sob-stories with chickens in the backyard. I found the municode webpage and it looks like chickens are out:
"Sec. 14-31. Keeping farm animals within 100 feet of a residence unlawful. Any person who is the owner or shall have the custody, care or control of any cattle, horses, mules, goats, sheep or other domesticated farm animal who shall graze, tie out or stake out or keep any such animal on any lot or in any enclosure overnight within 100 feet of an occupied residence shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Such measurement shall begin from any portion of the building situated on any adjacent lot which is used as a place of residence. (Code 1980, § 5-8)"

"Sec. 14-33. Raising poultry prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to raise poultry for commercial purposes or otherwise within the city limits. (Code 1980, § 5-6)"

Our backyard shares a fenceline with a pasture and about 20 or 30 head of cattle. We have a dog so I'm anticipating tick issues in addition to flies and other blood-sucking nasties. I'd love to have 3 or 4 hens but I'm reluctant to take the leap without knowing how stringent the locals are about this. OR, if there's a local chicken revolution I can join.

Anyone got words of wisdom?
That just sounds nuts! because I've researched the laws in other La. cities & pretty much "anything goes" anywhere else-- you can keep an elephant in your backyard in most cities in La. Including Shreveport-which is just across the river from you.

I'd question that on the basis that you aren't "raising" poultry--you are "keeping" a few for pets/etc. -- not breeding them--if you don't have roosters & they aren't all over your neighbor's property, then you ought to be OK, depending on how you interpret that Sec. Call your local representative & ask them--or better yet, your local ag agent. They will know. Maybe.

Hope you don't have an issue w/the ticks - down here, we stay on heartworm preventative w/the dogs year round. We don't have cattle near us, only a couple thousand acres of cotton, corn & soybeans, so only use the spot on flea stuff during the summer months when necessary. I haven't seen any ticks in years & years. They mostly are in the piney woods areas. Even when our neighbors had cattle, they treated them so we never had ticks then, either.

Please do post what you find out as I am curious to know exactly what the interpretation is in your area.
Thanks all for the welcome!
TerriLaChicks - We were gonna give the dog the multi-purpose flea/tick/heartworm preventive so I suppose that's not AS big a worry. I still would like to have a few hens for pest control just in case (plus fresh eggs, yum). I've asked a few folks but no one seemed to know the codes although one lady had an old friend who used to have chickens down here somewhere. (Gotta love the far-off look people get when asked those kinds of questions.
) Yep, I saw chickens were hunky-dory in S-port but well, apparently things are differnt 'cross the river. Whatever that means.
Will letcha know what I learn. Wish me luck!
Lamike - I'll see what I can dig up. If it works out in our favor, be sure I'll give you a holler.
Good luck tdf, and
!! I agree with Terri. Surely they wouldn't object to a few little hens as pets....... I don't really know a whole lot about it, as we live out in the country. I couldn't imagine someone telling me I couldn't have all of my critters.

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