Low duck tail in water?

Andrea PNW

Sep 4, 2020
Ok so first ignore the bath water - I was in the other room cleaning out the brooder and came back to this because my sweet little ladies pulled a potted plant into the tub. Rookie mistake on my part and it's going to be a bitch to strain out the debris when I drain the tub.

But that's not that I'm asking about - in this pic, two of my girls have their tail feathers up above the water - but Beverly's butt isn't. They all are spoiled ridiculously, they have tons of room to groom and oil their feathers why is Bev's butt under water?

I've noticed this for about 3 days of bath time (it's a daily occurrence) but I didn't notice before that. Maybe she's just feather delayed? She's grooming normal, loves the tub, eats a ton. Am I doing something wrong? (Other than stupidly having a duck reachable plant close to the bathtub. Gah!) IMG_20201227_173327.jpg

Bless and thanks poultry crew.


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Whaaaat? You got more ducks!!? Yay that's so exciting!

Sorry I don't know about her tail. You could give her preen gland a quick peek, just to make sure it looks like the other quacker's.
Whaaaat? You got more ducks!!? Yay that's so exciting!

Sorry I don't know about her tail. You could give her preen gland a quick peek, just to make sure it looks like the other quacker's.
I did!!!!! Three sweet welsh ladies since Barbe is most definitely now a lady and Ed + Ruthie are def dudes. I've got a solid line in already with my local farm animal rescue and we're watching closely how things go. Right now Barbe and Ed are amorous (brother/sister gross but whatever) and my rescue Ruthie seems to be annoyed by it. But who knows what will happen come February so I've got a plan B - in case Ruthie has to go.

Planned to name them Dorothy, Rose and Blanche after the Golden Girls but I absolutely needed a duck named Peaches so my sister named the other two Beverly and Winnefred. We've got a soft spot for old fashioned names
Oh I loved when Pigweed slept with her leg like that. She slept on my foot like that all the time. Now she just shout quacks at me to, "hurry up and bring more mealworms!!". Lol.

And hanging out with your cockatiel? So precious. 💖💖💖
And dog laying on the upper part of my lap. It's taken him a minute but he has no interest in the ducks
Sweet Ducks! And typical ducks, always do what is unexpected like dragging innocent plants into bathtubs, stripping peppermint shrubs off their leaves…
I regards of Beverley's tail-end: She looks like a pretty normal young duck to me, maybe she just like to dunk her tail under water?

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