Ducks losing feathers around the eyes and silkie cross with massive lump on neck after being treated for wry neck


Apr 18, 2021
From what I'm reading in other posts, this is viral infection? I honestly thought it was just a molt at first on the second duck pictured. But tonight while treating my entire flock for mites I noticed it starting on my cayuga too. These birds are 2 years old, this winter they got moved into our 100 year old barn as it has a warm room with 100 feet long by 30 feet wide run attached to it.
its not working, and I completely realize that. In there I had 4 ducks, 3 geese and 30 chickens. We are working on breaking it up into 5 sections, but its going to take some time.
For now, I have the ducks seperated into a pen within the heated part of our barn. 3 females and 1 drake. I gave them a pool so they can freshen up. On hand, I gave them some poultry vitamins and electrolytes. I do have those antibiotic pink eye, visine eye drops on hand, but im in Canada and can't get ahold of terramycin. Apparently its not a thing here, i asked multiple vets a couple weeks ago when my kune kune scratched her cornea with some straw.
they are eating 17% layer food mainly, I have 36% protein food available to them as well, its mainly for the geese, but the ducks i more often see going for the 17% layer. As well as peas daily and mealworms very often.
I keep the run very clean, im in there daily cleaning up. We wash out our water bowls with soap every time we refill them. I will say, they are on concrete floor with pine shavings and last weekend when I was in there the ammonia build up in there was burning my eyes so I spent the entire two days cleaning it out, scrubbing it down with vinegar and applying DE to the floor before adding the fresh bedding back in. That's when I noticed we had a few birds with mites so I decided to treat the whole flock today with Ivermectin.
I absolutely could not get to it last weekend on during the week, I put down more DE today on the floor and in their dust baths. Tomorrow I'm planning to completely clean out and disinfect their nesting boxes which only one broody momma was using and she was one of the biggest culprits of those mites. I moved her into a brooding box, as she actually had two chicks hatch today and has 5 more that should be here by morning. There just isn't enough hours in a day.
Anyhow, I've never dealt with any type of injury or infection in my ducks EVER so please educate me on what this is and how I can prevent it in the future?

Another issue I want to make mention of, i know i have a bully rooster in my group who seems to be plucking out my orpingtons tail feathers, and honestly just too many roosters in general. They are leaving hopefully by the weekend, and i will be down about 10 birds. Next weekends goal is to separate breeds so we are definitely working at our "problems" but new ones just keep popping up. Definitely new to this, only been farming a year and a half and man oh man its like one problem after the next.
I also have a silkie/houdan cross with a massive lump on its neck, started as wry neck and tonight I couldnt believe how massive this lump had become. We treated the wry neck about a month ago when we noticed it, she has been doing great the wry neck symptoms are gone, but it almost feels like a tumor sticking out the side of her neck now. Any ideas?
But tonight while treating my entire flock for mites I noticed it starting on my cayuga too.

I will say, they are on concrete floor with pine shavings and last weekend when I was in there the ammonia build up in there was burning my eyes so I spent the entire two days cleaning it out, scrubbing it down with vinegar and applying DE to the floor before adding the fresh bedding back in. That's when I noticed we had a few birds with mites so I decided to treat the whole flock today with Ivermectin.

Another issue I want to make mention of, i know i have a bully rooster in my group who seems to be plucking out my orpingtons tail feathers, and honestly just too many roosters in general.

I also have a silkie/houdan cross with a massive lump on its neck, started as wry neck and tonight I couldnt believe how massive this lump had become. We treated the wry neck about a month ago when we noticed it, she has been doing great the wry neck symptoms are gone, but it almost feels like a tumor sticking out the side of her neck now.
Hopefully @Miss Lydia @casportpony or @shawluvsbirds can chime in with their thoughts/suggestions.

I don't know a lot about Ducks, but I see bubbles in her eyes. Whether this is due to irritation from ammonia, perhaps the DE or if she has respiratory illness like MG, it's hard to know.
I'd flush/clean the eyes with saline. You can use purchased saline or look up DIY Saline Recipe for eyes. If you can get Original Neosporin or generic brand Triple Antibiotic Ointment (without any "caine") this can be used in the eyes to help with infection. Flushing daily and apply the ointment.

Ammonia can affect the respiratory system and of course the eyes, so what you are seeing may be from ammonia if it was burning your eyes. Do please be careful yourself. Wear a mask and open up doors for ventilation when cleaning/tending to the birds - it's not good for you or for them.

DE is very fine and can also be a respiratory irritant, so take care when applying it. There's 2 camp, 1for and 1against. I don't use it, it's very dusty and birds are already dusty, so for me it's a no go.
Zeolite (Sweet PDZ) granules - while still a bit dusty, may be of help. It will absorb moisture and definitely help with ammonia as well. I'm not sure if you have that in Canada. It's available at feed stores here in the U.S.

Treating the birds with Ivermectin can help with the mites, but remember that housing/nesting boxes/roosts, etc. still need to be treated as well. Most mites live off the bird and come out to feed, so you will often find them in nooks/crannies of housing.

Do you have Permethrin available to you in dust or spray? If you have the dust, I'd dust that broody hen making sure to work the dust all the way through her feathers down to the skin. Check the chicks too - mites can kill just hatched chicks if the infestation is heavy. Lightly dust the chicks.

Did you treat the Duck for mites?

Photos of the Silkie/Houdan? Just asking - the lump you feel on the neck, could it be the crop? Showing the location of the lump would be a good idea so we have a reference point. Can you also feel of the lump, is it scabby, hard soft, etc.?

I'm very sorry that you're dealing with all this. It sounds like you have quite a few roosters which can cause quite a stir. Hopefully you can reduce your numbers quickly and find takers. If not, then consider processing them. A reduction in numbers will make hens happier, lessen the work load/poop load, drama and the feed bill as well.
From what I'm reading in other posts, this is viral infection? I honestly thought it was just a molt at first on the second duck pictured. But tonight while treating my entire flock for mites I noticed it starting on my cayuga too. These birds are 2 years old, this winter they got moved into our 100 year old barn as it has a warm room with 100 feet long by 30 feet wide run attached to it.
its not working, and I completely realize that. In there I had 4 ducks, 3 geese and 30 chickens. We are working on breaking it up into 5 sections, but its going to take some time.
For now, I have the ducks seperated into a pen within the heated part of our barn. 3 females and 1 drake. I gave them a pool so they can freshen up. On hand, I gave them some poultry vitamins and electrolytes. I do have those antibiotic pink eye, visine eye drops on hand, but im in Canada and can't get ahold of terramycin. Apparently its not a thing here, i asked multiple vets a couple weeks ago when my kune kune scratched her cornea with some straw.
they are eating 17% layer food mainly, I have 36% protein food available to them as well, its mainly for the geese, but the ducks i more often see going for the 17% layer. As well as peas daily and mealworms very often.
I keep the run very clean, im in there daily cleaning up. We wash out our water bowls with soap every time we refill them. I will say, they are on concrete floor with pine shavings and last weekend when I was in there the ammonia build up in there was burning my eyes so I spent the entire two days cleaning it out, scrubbing it down with vinegar and applying DE to the floor before adding the fresh bedding back in. That's when I noticed we had a few birds with mites so I decided to treat the whole flock today with Ivermectin.
I absolutely could not get to it last weekend on during the week, I put down more DE today on the floor and in their dust baths. Tomorrow I'm planning to completely clean out and disinfect their nesting boxes which only one broody momma was using and she was one of the biggest culprits of those mites. I moved her into a brooding box, as she actually had two chicks hatch today and has 5 more that should be here by morning. There just isn't enough hours in a day.
Anyhow, I've never dealt with any type of injury or infection in my ducks EVER so please educate me on what this is and how I can prevent it in the future?

Another issue I want to make mention of, i know i have a bully rooster in my group who seems to be plucking out my orpingtons tail feathers, and honestly just too many roosters in general. They are leaving hopefully by the weekend, and i will be down about 10 birds. Next weekends goal is to separate breeds so we are definitely working at our "problems" but new ones just keep popping up. Definitely new to this, only been farming a year and a half and man oh man its like one problem after the next.
I also have a silkie/houdan cross with a massive lump on its neck, started as wry neck and tonight I couldnt believe how massive this lump had become. We treated the wry neck about a month ago when we noticed it, she has been doing great the wry neck symptoms are gone, but it almost feels like a tumor sticking out the side of her neck now. Any ideas?
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Is it just the one eye and Do you have a drake?
It could be mating damage. I've seen that happen before where a drake has pushed a ducks head against the ground while mating and damaged the eye and it kinda gets infected.
If that is all it is a few days of cleaning it with saline solution and applying antibiotic cream should clear it up. On a side note there I've used the pain relieving kind many times without issue.
If you have or can get some terramycin cream that would be good to use.
Since you used the Ivermectin are still seeing mites. You'll need to get rid of all bedding when my chickens had mites I used Neem oil can you buy it in Canada ? I mixed it with hot water since it's an oil then put it into a pump garden sprayer and sprayed the coop from top to bottom. I have never used DE because I have read so many times about it being unhealthy for mine and my bird's respiratory tract. When I treated my chickens when they had mites I put poultry dust into a bag and put my chicken into the bag feet first close up the top around the neck, then holding underneath gently shook the bag until they were covered. This way they did not breathe in the dust. I haven't ever had to treat my waterfowl for mites but I would def use ivermectin I use it on my chicken now as a preventive. I'd do what @Wyorp Rock suggests for the eyes. Especially since you can't get Terramycin.

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