Those are GREAT links! I just bookmarked them on my home computer!
I hope I don't need those links tomorrow. I've got two eggs left in my 'bator, tonight - out of eight. The first six were duds, but I expected that, because the weather was brutally cold when I collected them. I suspect they were frozen, or close to it. But I had to test the new incubator, so I put 'em all in and hoped for the best. Today is hatch day - and I have one externally pipped egg that has been sitting idly for over three hours. baby is still alive and peeping, so I'm hopeful.
The other egg looks fully developed, but I'm not seeing any movement (not hat there's any room in there to move around ... these eggs are tiny!) and no internal pip, yet. It went in a day later than the other, so I'm hoping it's still on schedule. We'll see, tomorrow. Fingers crossed for both these little ones. They're Nankin Bantams - critically endangered - so I REALLY want these two to survive!
Fingers crossed!
:fl :fl :fl
I hope I don't need those links tomorrow. I've got two eggs left in my 'bator, tonight - out of eight. The first six were duds, but I expected that, because the weather was brutally cold when I collected them. I suspect they were frozen, or close to it. But I had to test the new incubator, so I put 'em all in and hoped for the best. Today is hatch day - and I have one externally pipped egg that has been sitting idly for over three hours. baby is still alive and peeping, so I'm hopeful.
The other egg looks fully developed, but I'm not seeing any movement (not hat there's any room in there to move around ... these eggs are tiny!) and no internal pip, yet. It went in a day later than the other, so I'm hoping it's still on schedule. We'll see, tomorrow. Fingers crossed for both these little ones. They're Nankin Bantams - critically endangered - so I REALLY want these two to survive!
Fingers crossed!
:fl :fl :fl

I pray the eggs hatch out well for you! Let us know how the hatching is going tomorrow and if you get any fuzzy babies! :jumpy
I pray the eggs hatch out well for you! Let us know how the hatching is going tomorrow and if you get any fuzzy babies! :jumpy

Welcome little Pippin/Pippi, Capt. Cuddles' firstborn! He/she is about a minute old in this first portrait. The egg is what we hope will be a sibling, by this time tomorrow. So, Pip, peep away and wake up your roomie. It's hatch time!
Cuds First2.jpg
Thank you very much for the links and for your help!
They are free ranged and get a lot of their food just from foraging.

I would love to buy a complete feed, the only problem is that I can't afford it right now. I know that would be much better for them to have a complete feed and that is probably where the problem lies.

I guess maybe I will just have to deal with it since I can't buy a complete feed right now.
I am not sure the exact week when the eggs stop developing. It could be a combination of something before incubation starts and something during incubation.

I will get another thermometer and see if that helps. I do put the eggs pointy side down in the egg turner. I candle all the eggs before putting them in the incubator to check for cracks and thin shells. I also let the eggs come to room temperature before I put them in the incubator.

I have been having low hatching rate problems for the last few years and I am starting to think the main problem is that the chickens are not getting a complete feed.

The Black Australorp chickens I am collecting the eggs from are great birds. I got them from a breeder who is one of the best Black Australorp breeders in the U.S. She selects and breeds her birds for egg production, vigor, and high fertility.

I think I am going to start collecting eggs soon, probably within the next week or two and try to incubate another batch of eggs. I will try to keep better track of exactly what is going on, the percentage of fertile eggs, when they stop developing during incubation, ect. Then I can post my progress on here and see how it goes.

Thankyou so much for all your help! It is much appreciated!
Have you ever gotten a good hatch from this incubator? Is losing hatchlings undercutting you? Good feed would solve that? Good in Good out.
Wheat is not a complete food. You need to be giving them a proper food, and if you can't, you shouldn't be hatching more chickens. You're going to run into more issues in the future if they don't get a suitable diet, and you should ABSOLUTELY not try to raise baby chicks on anything but baby chick starter.
Have you ever gotten a good hatch from this incubator? Is losing hatchlings undercutting you? Good feed would solve that? Good in Good out.

I have not ever got a good hatch rate out of this incubator but I am realizing that is because I have never been able to feed my birds a complete feed.

Losing hatchlings is undercutting me because then it is just a waste of eggs that we could have eaten.
I also want to be able to hatch a larger number of chicks at a time and I want to start hatching extra chicks so I can sell them and use the money to buy better feed for my birds.

You're 100% right, I'm sure that's what it is. Good feed probably would solve it!!!
Unfortunately my dad has been extremely sick for the last two years and hasn't been able to work. That is why we can't afford better feed for them.
Wheat is not a complete food. You need to be giving them a proper food, and if you can't, you shouldn't be hatching more chickens. You're going to run into more issues in the future if they don't get a suitable diet, and you should ABSOLUTELY not try to raise baby chicks on anything but baby chick starter.

SO TRUE! I absolutely agree with you, but I don't have a choice!

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