Lucky me...

I don't see her plucking herself. She just looks like a cartoon version of a chicken when she flaps her wings. Lots of feathers flying. Plus, she doesn't have any bald patches, just raggedy feathers.
Getting her poop checked. Brought her to a vet as a quarantine buddy for her flockmate. They have different symptoms. But she of course laid a giant stinker on his floor lol. Luckily he offered to just use it as a parasite check. We will see if there is anything there.
So another thing, I noticed weeks ago that she threw up water. I thought nothing of it, I startled her after she guzzler water. Had a chick do that a few times and she is perfectly healthy. But when I was checking on Erza's feet I noticed she had a waterey blob on her chest? It's more playdoughy now. But checking other hens I think that's just a full stomach? I'm worried because I saw this poop on the ground thus morning.View attachment 3388840
The vet said this might be a case of soft shell egg gone fowl. (Savor my pun!) Especially since it was a one off. She hasn't started laying yet, but her younger more spry flockmates have. She's 4 yrs old in June.
Might recognize me from my special needs chicken thread. I've gotten a lot of helpful tips from it and other articles I've been reading, just recently learned about bumble foot, but now that I'm looking... I noticed 2 different hens that like to balance on one foot at a time I thought nothing of it. It's winter the ground is cold, obviously! But I have a new hampshire red named Erza and she has looked like she is molting since November and now I'm looking at her feet and it's pudgy? Just on the pad of both feet. No black scabs, and it's not deformed looking. Am I just being that person that looked thru wiki medicine too long and now think I have 7 different diseases? Or is this actually it?
This is totally me. I have a neighbor that says “i’ve had over 50 chickens and i only had 2 that passed” and every chicken i get seems to either die of a injury or die of a disease. OR predator!

It makes no sense to me. :th
The poop is questionable there. When is the last time you dewormed her?
Does she have any lice/mites?
I'd consider deworming, Valbazen, dose is 0.08ml per pound of wieght given orally once, then rpeated in 10 days.
Is she still molting?
Any lice/mites?
I'd check her crop first thing in the morning to make sure it's emptying. If it's not, then I'd begin treating according to this article.

The minor scab on the foot is the beginning of Bumblefoot. I wouldn't be too concerned about it, but if you wish, you can work on it with a non-surgical approach as described in this article.
Just had her poop tested. They say she had giardia. But I notice her poop is normal (I have her quarantined) so I think someone else in my flock is pooping nasty... :hmm
My vet said to keep an eye on it. That sour crop is a concern to keep an eye out for. The giardia, he said not to worry about treating the whole flock. Just the one that did the bloody poop, since Erza was pooping normally. It has to be someone else. I've noticed my rooster was a bit lethargic today, he is my next suspect. Which will suck, because I just got this rooster and he is chill but does not let me near him yet. (Only had him for like 2 months)
And sadly... no I didn't quarantine him. My roommate/landlord gave him to me and kinda just... released him into the flock. I didn't have time to tell him I need to quarantine, luckily the hens didn't attack him. But he and my flock were all mingled before I could do anything.

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