We currently have these pre-fab coops (which i didn't realize how EH they were since getting chickens & joining this site!)
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DLE5HJU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (Two 9–10-week-old silkies are currently in this at night)
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071VSG8BX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (Five 6-week-old buff Orpingtons like to share this one at night)
& This Run
We are planning to keep a MAX of 10 chickens (some bantams)
Pulled some inspo from three coops on here (posted below) and made a coop plan of our own.
The coop plans we put together (which are pretty basic but bigger (110 x 44 x 37.5) are coming out to about $1,150 in materials due to the crazy price of lumber right now. On top of this, we would need to rent a U-haul or truck to get this material over to our house.
I'm wondering if I should just wait and use the coops we have until (hopefully) lumber prices go back down.
Or should we just purchase a larger coop like one of these two below for a few hundred less than the one we would build?
I also saw this Omelet for $850: https://www.omlet.us/shop/chicken_keeping/eglu-cube-large-chicken-coop-with-runs/
I also saw this Snacplock Lg coop for $919: https://www.snaplockchickencoops.com/big-chicken-coop/
They're both much smaller than the coop I we have planned, but they seem to be very easy to clean, last forever, and hopefully better than the wood ones we currently have? Or are they just Tomato, Tomato to the pre-fabs we have?
I should have done more research but trying to figure out what's best to do now. I want my chickens to have enough space!
(Sorry for long post, and thanks for any replies!
We currently have these pre-fab coops (which i didn't realize how EH they were since getting chickens & joining this site!)
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DLE5HJU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (Two 9–10-week-old silkies are currently in this at night)
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071VSG8BX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (Five 6-week-old buff Orpingtons like to share this one at night)
& This Run
We are planning to keep a MAX of 10 chickens (some bantams)
Pulled some inspo from three coops on here (posted below) and made a coop plan of our own.
The coop plans we put together (which are pretty basic but bigger (110 x 44 x 37.5) are coming out to about $1,150 in materials due to the crazy price of lumber right now. On top of this, we would need to rent a U-haul or truck to get this material over to our house.
I'm wondering if I should just wait and use the coops we have until (hopefully) lumber prices go back down.
Or should we just purchase a larger coop like one of these two below for a few hundred less than the one we would build?
I also saw this Omelet for $850: https://www.omlet.us/shop/chicken_keeping/eglu-cube-large-chicken-coop-with-runs/
I also saw this Snacplock Lg coop for $919: https://www.snaplockchickencoops.com/big-chicken-coop/
They're both much smaller than the coop I we have planned, but they seem to be very easy to clean, last forever, and hopefully better than the wood ones we currently have? Or are they just Tomato, Tomato to the pre-fabs we have?
I should have done more research but trying to figure out what's best to do now. I want my chickens to have enough space!
(Sorry for long post, and thanks for any replies!