Lump on chicks head, bleeding?!


Jun 22, 2015
I hatch chicks a lot and this is from a broody hen. But I helped this one hatch by taking off the shell after it zipped. I originally saw this spot bc it was born with it. Part of it was bald and a little blood spot in the middle. It's only a day old. And it's eyes are looking small and I think it's left eye is smaller than the right. Through the day it's been leaking and bleeding. It won't stop chirping and it's staying away from everyone. Acting out of it. What could this be? Never had this happen
No I separated it. It is a bantam Cochin mix
i thought maybe it had a vaulted skull, but i dont think i have ever seen a cochin with a vault
i would just seperate it and keep it clean, once it gets feathers the others wont peck it anymore
you could try cleaning, the wrapping, and try putting a friend in so its not lonely
a mirror or stuffed animal also helps keep them company

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