Lunch "date" with a friend... menu ideas??

EKC Farms in the desert

8 Years
Aug 21, 2011
New River, AZ
One of my best friends is coming over for lunch tomorrow afternoon during her work lunch break. So we would have a good 30-40 minutes. I want to fix something quick and easy, but yet very good and satisfying for a lunch. Anybody have any suggestions? I was thinking about BLTs and a soup. I could go to the store and grab a few cans of some kind of soup. Or would cheese steaks and fries work. So many thoughts and ideas running thru my mind (since I love cooking- especially for people). Please help...
I made salmon stir fry for a friend who came to lunch yesterday, it was quick and really easy but filling too. You could even prep the veggies tonight and keep them in the fridge so all you have to do tomorrow is throw them in the pan and you will be done in less than 10 minutes.

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