Lupus nephritis

OH Sour, what can I say? I just accidentally ran across this thread - in all that time, I never knew any of this. Guess I was asleep at the switch. I read every page and comment. So, very, very happy with her progress and success as a well adjusted, strong, young woman.

Had I known, I would have added many , many prayers but, she had no shortage of them without me. I might even have treated you with more respect but, then again probably not.

I can't get over the foo foo dog Pomeranian - of course if you trim it down you will just find a tiny body and a big bark! It could have been worse, she might have wanted a cat. :th

Do you think she might like a pillow with a Pom riding a horse??? If you have better suggestions let me know.

PS you are really a sweet, thoughtful man & grandpa :hugs
Well it's been a year and Jenny has been great. Just completed her freshman year at college with only minor health issues during the year. Came home at semester end with significant weight loss (she's tiny to begin with) and a sore throat. Doctor thought it was strep throat and took a culture and put her on antibiotics as a precaution prior to getting results. It's not strep - wish it was. She's having a Lupus flare up that is affecting her throat. She's in the hospital now, and seems to be responding to treatment. I hate this disease where your body attacks itself. :barnie
@sourland things are ticking along good here. Thinking of you and family often, especially now, with Jenny. Glad she seems to be on the path to healing and getting better. Big :hugs hugs to all of you.

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