I was checking my eggs this morning, i thought they were bad because i had one that was. When I opened up another it had a baby chic in there. It had a few more days left in the egg. I have brought it in and is under a light. It is still alive. My question is do u think it will make it or not.
I had one hen that hatched 9 baby chicks a week ago. All have died but 1. We have that 1 in the house under a light. It is doing really good. I have named it Lucky and I get it out and it likes to follow me every where. When I walk past the tank it is in he will peep at me til I get it out.
I had one hen that hatched 9 baby chicks a week ago. All have died but 1. We have that 1 in the house under a light. It is doing really good. I have named it Lucky and I get it out and it likes to follow me every where. When I walk past the tank it is in he will peep at me til I get it out.