Magazine Subscription Rant!

I have a way to solve the problem..
be like me and dont pay it until they get ticked off
...then you know for REAL that its run out and time to re-new...
Reiman is the worst about this. They publish Birds and Blooms, Country, Country Extra, Country Woman, etc. There is no telling how much money they waste on the mailings.
I ordered Taste of Home subscriptions for two people one year for Christmas. It said a card would be sent around Christmas to announce it. Not only did these people NOT get a card but they didn't even get the first issue for like 6 months!!!
I will never order a subscription again as a gift! Not only do people not get their magazines but I end up looking like a horse's rear end!!!
I think Redhen is on to something. My dad subscribes to Birds & Blooms for my Christmas gift every year. I enjoy it so I subscribed to B & B Extra a few years ago. Yes you get renewal notices every issue. I just toss and don't pay. Guess they're not mad at me yet. I have never renewed. Keep waiting for them to stop showing up, then I'll renew.
Readers Digest was just as bad. I got threatening letters from them with each issue for about 3 years after I stopped paying, before they stopped showing up.

It is so nice to know I am not the only one who is annoyed by this. I agree with LizFM, I joined the NRA last year in February and got my first renewal notice before I got my membership information. I almost don't want to renew because of all the junk I keep getting from them. Think about how much money and paper they could save if they would only send the notices when it was actually time to renew!
Me too!

I subcribe to Taste of Home through Reiman publishing and they send renewel notices all the time - I just ignore them.

Yup, I think it must be a Reiman Publishing thing. I subscribe to Taste of Home, Country Living, and Country Sampler.
on most magazine mailing lables the date your subscription will run out is in the top line. I never renew till its nearly there. I have also received billing notices for new subscriptions and I have also ordered magazines that take 6 months to get here. I have a great system now. My grandmother and her friends pass around Readers Digest and Womens Day and Im on the end of the loop. I dont care if its not the most recent copy, I just like to have something to read when I have the time.
I just had Backyard Poultry do this. I got the subscription as a gift for Christmas, and have only gotten 3 issues so far! I like the magazine, but sheesh!

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