maggot infested wound-------gruesome


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 4, 2009
My chicken was attacked by a dog. three inches of skin missing under both wings and back end. I ve read much of what is on the thread and have isolated the chicken to a pen on my porch, washed wounds with peroxide and am keeping them covered with neo-sporin. I am giving polyvisol, yogurt and amoxicillin The chicken is eating and driking and does not appear to feel bad(I dont know why, wounds are horrible, not deep but thigh flesh exposed) This am, one deeper wound teeming with maggots. My question is should I get them out, aif so how? or gross as it sounds, leave them in to clean the dead flesh away as I have read aboutand seen on t.v.. Any help would be appreciated. I dont have ability to send pictures.
You can get rid of them with several things but of all the suggestions that I had the one closest to me was at TSC and was a screwworm spray (for horses I think). Killed them dead. They all fell out and as I am overprotective I retreated. Turns the area bright blue. I also then sprayed with blu-kote also from TSC. It comes in aerosal and pump. I used pump as it was easier. Then continue treating as usual. Good luck!!

ETA: Both items are less than 10.00 together at my tsc.
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I think it's better to flush the wound with diluted betadine (povidione), peroxide can actually damage healthy tissues. Try to flush out the maggots, but you don't have to get them all out the 1st day or 2. Monitor the smell and oozing, if it starts to smell bad then it would benefit from antibiotics. Flush it twice daily for a week and then let it close up itself.
Most maggots do not only eat dead flesh--they are eating your bird alive!!!! They are also imparting various bacteria to your bird. Flystrike can kill a bird very rapidly if left untreated. The maggots used to eat dead flesh are very specialized and raised in laboratory conditions so that they do not carry infective bacteria.

You must get each and every one out as soon as possible. According to my vet, leaving even one in can cause significant infection. As a first, and one-time step, peroxide is very good at getting out debris and germs. Maggots also hate it. Since the wound is teeming with them, you need to thoroughly flush with peroxide once again to get them all out. Keep flushing until they are gone. Then use SWAT or FLYS OFF or screw worm spray, whichever is easiest for you to acquire, and thoroughly cover the wound. Bring your bird inside away from flies until the wound is healed.

She needs to be on a strong antibiotic such as Baytril.

If you search "flystrike" or "maggots" you should find several threads discussing treatment.
be veery careful using peroxide!!!... it will also kill healthy new skin trying to grow and actually prolonging the injury, I would use saline instead of peroxide
For all secondary, or subsequent cleanings, I will agree that diluted iodine or saline is a better choice, but not for the initial cleaning of a dirt and pest-filled wound. For the initial cleaning, peroxide is better.
I agree with Sonoran Silkies! Definitely use peroxide to get them all!! It probably wouldn't hurt to pack the wound with neosporin afterward as well.
Thank you so much for the responses. I have followed you directions and will now wait and see. The wounds are horrible, much skin pulled away from the flesh. Its hard to understand why the chicken doesn t feel bad!

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