As for me, I don't think I've ever had Muscovies older than 4 or 5 years, but that's not because they die on their own. I cull my older Muscovies and replace them so that they have higher fertility rates and hatch more ducklings, because I raise my Muscovies for meat.
I was wondering about fertility. Did you notice it drop after 5 years? What was your indicator? Meat is the goal for ours. And being from mixed enterprise farming family, completely understand the culling of something not producing anymore, as sad as it is you can only feed so many mouths
This cute little duckling is four weeks now! S/he is looking more like a duck and less like a duckling, losing all the yellow duckling fluff!
I googled "how old is the oldest Muscovy", and this is what I came up with:
Their average lifespan ranges between 8 years and 12 years in the wild. They may have a longer life expectancy of around 20 years in captivity.

I can't say for sure, but I think I remember reading somewhere that the oldest Muscovy was a white Muscovy drake from Australia and it was 22 years old when it finally died.

As for me, I don't think I've ever had Muscovies older than 4 or 5 years, but that's not because they die on their own. I cull my older Muscovies and replace them so that they have higher fertility rates and hatch more ducklings, because I raise my Muscovies for meat.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Muscovies VERY, VERY, VERY much, and I spoil the ones that I save back as breeders and even the ducklings I raise for meat.
They live a happy life, they get to be outside in the sunshine, they get to forage, and they get to play and splash in water just like any other duck.
I see my ducks as a part of my family and they are well cared for even if they are going to end up being meat birds.
I ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ my ducks!!!!!

When I first started breeding Muscovies, I was gonna do it for meat. But I started loving these naturally tame and chill ducks so much I had a hard time culling even the adolescent drakes I knew I had to get rid of. So now I sell babies and the females, and as many of the boys as I can, and then cull the ones I can't sell. They're just too tame and lovely! :barnie
I was wondering about fertility. Did you notice it drop after 5 years? What was your indicator? Meat is the goal for ours. And being from mixed enterprise farming family, completely understand the culling of something not producing anymore, as sad as it is you can only feed so many mouths

I've never tried hatching any eggs from birds that are 5 years old, so I can't say, although I did read that drakes are only very fertile for 2 years, and hens for 3 years, and afterwards you are supposed to cull them. I don't always follow the rules. :gig;)

My breeder ducks are so friendly and cute, sometimes it's really hard to butcher them. My ducks are like my mascots, literally! So, ya know, its really hard to say goodbye to them.

I actually have this one drake named Cocoa, and I've really been starting to think that I shouldn't butcher him, and I should just keep him until he dies on his own. He is sooooooo cute! Not only that, but I notice that he also keeps the other ducks in order. Just a few months ago, I had him and his 2 hens separate from the other Muscovies.
As soon as I separated him from the other ducks, the other ducks started misbehaving, and they didn't want to go in they're coop at night! He really is a good duck, I just can't see myself letting him go.
Besides if he keeps the other ducks in order, I think that's a perfectly good enough reason to keep him around.
He is also a good daddy. I can put him in with the ducklings the day they hatch, and he won't even try to kill them! He actually takes good care of them.
He's pretty perfect all the way around! A perfectly good Muscovy! I love you Cocoa! :love
When I first started breeding Muscovies, I was gonna do it for meat. But I started loving these naturally tame and chill ducks so much I had a hard time culling even the adolescent drakes I knew I had to get rid of. So now I sell babies and the females, and as many of the boys as I can, and then cull the ones I can't sell. They're just too tame and lovely! :barnie

I know exactly what you mean! Muscovies are just way too cute, it's hard to go ahead and butcher them sometimes!
More pics of the ducklings because they're sooooo cute! Chava's eggs hatched too! She has 10 ducklings. Chava and Yasmin now have 18 ducklings total.
I let them outside today and they're very happy! I have them altogether and the hens aren't fighting over the ducklings, so I'm quite pleased!
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There is the drakes on the other side of the fence watching the hens!
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I cannot handle all of this preciousness :love

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