Ok, so I've got a problem here. One of my Muscovy hens is growing tumor like growths on her head and neck. They are really hard. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but she is getting them all down her neck, too. Can ducks get cancer? I was thinking maybe it could be something like that.
I've never had anything like this happen to any of my birds ever until now. It's especially too bad, because she was one of my very best Muscovy hens.
I'm going to put her down, no questions asked, but I just want to figure what it is, and how to prevent it from happening again.
@Miss Lydia @casportpony
Any ideas what it might be or what caused it?
Do they bleed? maybe abscesses? I really don't know Elly I do know that ducks can get cancer. How is she acting?
They aren't bleeding at all. She is not very active and sits around a lot. She can't see out of her eyes very well either because her face is all swollen and lumpy.
So sorry, :hugs does look like it could be cancer. :idunno Is she suffering? If not, you don't need to euthanize her, but I will support you decision either way. :hugs

If you do euthanize, can you cut one of the pumps open and take pictures of it?
I do think she is suffering because she isn't doing well and she can't see half the time.
I'm going to put her down either way though, she won't be good as a breeder anymore.
I will cut one of her lumps open and take pics of it after I put her down.

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