@Claires Poultry sorry about your girl. We put sheep down with growths like that as they are no longer consumable. I don't know if the ducks growths are the same, but with the sheep the contents of the lumps are absolutely horrible smelling! But you can also usually smell the sheep before you spot her or the cancers :sick.

@Miss Lydia I haven't been able to feel her yet, she's very fast. Yesterday afternoon when I went to lock them up, she came matching up to me, making that peep noise, you know the one that says "don't mess with my eggs" ? Even though I haven't seen her anywhere near a nest, I guess I'll see this morning if she's sitting on a nest or if I need to get on the P.P.E gear and catch her
@Claires Poultry sorry about your girl. We put sheep down with growths like that as they are no longer consumable. I don't know if the ducks growths are the same, but with the sheep the contents of the lumps are absolutely horrible smelling! But you can also usually smell the sheep before you spot her or the cancers :sick.

@Miss Lydia I haven't been able to feel her yet, she's very fast. Yesterday afternoon when I went to lock them up, she came matching up to me, making that peep noise, you know the one that says "don't mess with my eggs" ? Even though I haven't seen her anywhere near a nest, I guess I'll see this morning if she's sitting on a nest or if I need to get on the P.P.E gear and catch her
Thank you. I can't smell them yet, but we'll see after I put her down and cut them open.
I pray you girl is ok, as well. :)
Thank you. I can't smell them yet, but we'll see after I put her down and cut them open.
I pray you girl is ok, as well. :)
She layed an egg this morning! And is less plump. So for now will put it down to being a more mature lady. Hope you get to the bottom of the mystery bumps
. You can see she kind of hangs some in the bottom. She maybe a little chubby to they don’t do much foraging once we start into fall.
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Firstly, I love being able to come here and ramble on about my duckys. My husband and best friend think I'm nuts! Secondly...
Winnies charging around all puffed up peeping and quite cranky. Everything screams mama duck, except for the lack of sitting on eggs. What's causing this broodiness you ask? The little ducklings (non muscovy) that have been having outside time the last few days! I love my ducks but if someone doesn't start sitting soon my husband is going to start making "examples" of the eggs. I just want ducklings!:barnie :he. Okay that rants over.

Now on a good note: here's the ever so handsome Donald trying out the "new" little house I added to the run. Daffy's jammed up behind him.:love
Aww, I know what you mean about duck rambling! I'm the exact same way. :D

I've noticed that my hens will sometimes make that peeping noise like they're broody even when they're not sitting on eggs. I think they just like to pretend they are broody even when they're not. :gigIt could be a sign that she will start sitting soon though, so keep an eye out.

Love your precious, adorable duckies! :love

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