The pied girls are getting flirtier, and also re-establishing their pecking order. The young drakes look adult-sized now, but haven't figured out what all this flirting is about. They sometimes get pecked for their ignorance. However, I have yet to find a single egg. The neighbours are doing some yard work, and that means change on the boundary right beside the duck run. Ducks being what they are, that change will probably hold the laying back another ten days or so. Waiting, waiting, waiting!
They're sensitive souls aren't they? I'm finding Winnonas only broody until the wind changes direction and then she quits. Today is the 3rd time she attempted to go broody this month, and by far the shortest. Her spot wasn't weather proof so I propped a box over her. WELL she got quite huffy and up and left. She has not returned and I bet she'll go on a laying strike. Sorry Winnie, next time I'll let you get peppered by hail :rant. But in exciting news, the eggs I gave to the determined Rose have begun to pip!:wee She is by far my nicest broody. Would still take your fingers off given the chance, but the fact I can enter the coop unarmed, and without food, speaks volumes
Hatch update: here's my rescue baby.
I ended up having to take the eggs back off Rose. I don't know if she attempted to eat the eggs, or crushed them with her big feet. One sadly only got a chance to pip, on further inspection discovered it infested with maggots :sick. It's going to be a bad summer for blowflys and fly strike! Anyway, I now have 2 little babes safe and sound waiting for the others to hatch.

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